Angular.js: Is it possible to capture and console log all broadcasts?

Created on 29 Jan 2014  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: angular/angular.js

This is what I have tried:

$rootScope.$on("$broadcast", function ($event) {
    console.log("BROADCAST: " + $;

Is this something that is (couldn't find any docs for it) or will ever be implemented or is the overhead too great?

My thinking originated from the $route event docs, e.g. $routeChangeSuccess.

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This is not something which is likely to ever be implemented, as you say, due to the overhead.

However, it is possible to implement a notifier in your own app, so that you can create a way to notify your own app using decorators.

app.config(function($provide) {
  $provide.decorator("$rootScope", function($delegate) {
    var Scope = $delegate.constructor;
    var origBroadcast = Scope.prototype.$broadcast;
    var origEmit = Scope.prototype.$emit;

    Scope.prototype.$broadcast = function() {
      console.log("$broadcast was called on $scope " + $scope.$id + " with arguments:",
      return origBroadcast.apply(this, arguments);
    Scope.prototype.$emit = function() {
      console.log("$emit was called on $scope " + $scope.$id + " with arguments:",
      return origEmit.apply(this, arguments);
    return $delegate;

Here's a quick example:

All 3 comments

This is not something which is likely to ever be implemented, as you say, due to the overhead.

However, it is possible to implement a notifier in your own app, so that you can create a way to notify your own app using decorators.

app.config(function($provide) {
  $provide.decorator("$rootScope", function($delegate) {
    var Scope = $delegate.constructor;
    var origBroadcast = Scope.prototype.$broadcast;
    var origEmit = Scope.prototype.$emit;

    Scope.prototype.$broadcast = function() {
      console.log("$broadcast was called on $scope " + $scope.$id + " with arguments:",
      return origBroadcast.apply(this, arguments);
    Scope.prototype.$emit = function() {
      console.log("$emit was called on $scope " + $scope.$id + " with arguments:",
      return origEmit.apply(this, arguments);
    return $delegate;

Here's a quick example:

In the future, please consider asking the mailing list, IRC channel or stackoverflow before posting an issue, however --- this is primarily meant for bug tracking.

Wow, nice. Thanks Caitlin.

Also, noted; my mistake

On Wednesday, 29 January 2014, Caitlin Potter [email protected]

In the future, please consider asking the mailing list!forum/angular,
IRC channel or
stackoverflow posting an issue, however --- this is primarily meant for bug

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