Asciinema: Tmux spilt windows?

Created on 6 Mar 2016  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: asciinema/asciinema

I have seen a few people recording tmux spilt windows, but google is not pulling up results on how they are doing this. I have had a brief look at the code and args available, but can't see how its done.

All my attempts result in just a single window being recorded.

Anyone have any ideas on how to go about this?

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You can do it the following way:

  • setup your tmux session (tmux new, create splits etc)
  • detach
  • run asciinema rec -c "tmux attach -t session-name"

All 5 comments

You can do it the following way:

  • setup your tmux session (tmux new, create splits etc)
  • detach
  • run asciinema rec -c "tmux attach -t session-name"

I guess it would be worth posting this as a short blog post or a wiki page.

Super thanks, this is very useful. I think a quick blog entry would be useful as google will pick it up!

This doesn't seem to work anymore for me on MacOS 10.15.7 / Tmux 3.1c - I just get a black screen when I play the recorded file?

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