Aspnetcore: Workarounds for @inherits Page<TModel> are causing spooky issues

Created on 4 Mar 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: dotnet/aspnetcore

There is some WIERD stuff going on with using the type object in components.

I suspect this is due to one of the various workarounds that's in place to allow you to write @inherits Foo in _ViewImports.cshtml without a compiler error. I've never understood what's being done for this case and why it's the right solution - and I guess it's time for me to dig into this area.

This is breaking components and my heart. This is in the generated code.


There's no TModel in this class, the dictionary is defined as Dictionary<object, ValidationMessageStore>.

Done area-blazor bug

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@rynowak, if this is something @ajaybhargavb can handle, please reassign.

We think support for _Imports.razor will help here: #6374

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