Auto: Auto using email rather than github login?

Created on 6 Aug 2019  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: intuit/auto

Describe the bug

For some reason, Auto is using my github email address rather than my login. See for example:

To Reproduce

Here are my settings:

$ git config --list | grep user Shilman[what's in changelog]

The email matches my primary email address on Github. I checked with @domyen and @kylesuss, whose logins are showing up properly, and their settings are equivalent. I'm using Github Desktop with SSH auth.

To repro, run yarn auto changelog in the Storybook Design System:

Expected behavior

Expect it to use my github login @shilman in the changelog entries.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS 10.14.5
  • Version 4.15.5
bug released

Most helpful comment

I’ll take a look tomorrow!

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:36 PM Michael Shilman

@hipstersmoothie Any luck? I'd like
to write an article about using Auto in Storybook Design System but it's
hard for me to recommend in the current state. If it's not obvious from the
symptoms or you can't repro I'll try to debug it myself. Thanks!

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All 7 comments

Thanks for the report! I'll try to take a look this week

@hipstersmoothie Any luck? I'd like to write an article about using Auto in Storybook Design System but it's hard for me to recommend in the current state. If it's not obvious from the symptoms or you can't repro I'll try to debug it myself. Please let me know either way. Thanks!

I’ll take a look tomorrow!

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:36 PM Michael Shilman

@hipstersmoothie Any luck? I'd like
to write an article about using Auto in Storybook Design System but it's
hard for me to recommend in the current state. If it's not obvious from the
symptoms or you can't repro I'll try to debug it myself. Thanks!

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The commit that doesn't have your username was a push to master.

When a commit is pushed to master there is not easy way to connect it to a github user. All we have in this case is the email that the commit was made with. When a commit is attached to a PR we can find the user, but in a push to master it is not there.

In the case we can't find the PR we do a search for that email on github (there is not octokit approved way of connecting a user's email to an account)

The search looks like this:

As you can see dom comes up, but when i try searching your email nothing comes up:

This i because you haven't made the [email protected] email address public on your GitHub account. I have tried the changelog on PRs where you didn't do a push to master and it seems to pickup your account fine.

I have a PR that will address some of the bugs in the author section, but your particular bug can only be fixed by making the email public. Otherwise we don't actually have a way to to connect your account. Although if a changelog has commits from you from a pr and from master it will now favor the author with a login.

Thanks for looking into this @hipstersmoothie, it makes sense! Guess I need to stop cutting corners on the commits. 😭 Sorry for the fuss!

@shilman No fuss here! Because of this issue I tracked down a few other changelog bugs that I had been meaning to squash, thanks for the issue!

:rocket: Issue was released in v7.3.3 :rocket:

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