autojump_chpwd:4: nice(5) failed: operation not permitted

Created on 12 Mar 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: wting/autojump

I'm using autojump on Bash on Windows - I had an older laptop with the latest insider preview builds, ubuntu 16.04 and it worked fine. On my new laptop, it also worked fine, until I switched to insider preview (slow ring) and upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04.

Now I get the error message autojump_chpwd:4: nice(5) failed: operation not permitted after every j or cd command. For instance:


$ cd ~
autojump_chpwd:4: nice(5) failed: operation not permitted


$ j sync
autojump_chpwd:4: nice(5) failed: operation not permitted

The operations complete successfully, I get to the right place and echo $? shows 0 but the error message is very annoying. Is there anything I could do to hide it? (or even better, resolve the issue?)

Most helpful comment

@pgrm : @daiconrad has given a good workaround: add this to your .zshrc:

unsetopt BG_NICE

I guess you can close this issue now and let's wait for its origin:

All 4 comments

Hey man,

I use rupa/z on Windows bash and I was getting a very similar error:

_z_precmd:1: nice(5) failed: operation not permitted

Check out my fork to see how I fixed it at

Basically, you've got to redirect that standard output to null. Autojump should still work perfectly. Unfortunately, I haven't used autojump and I'm very happy with z so I won't be able to find where this bug comes from but it's definitely able to be fixed! You just need to find the line where autojump_chpwd occurs and add >/dev/null 2>&1 to the end of it.

Good luck!

Hi. Do you also use WSL on Creators Update?
I think this is not a problem of Autojump, see the issue I just opened

@ruixingw I guess it's the same, yes. But I installed WSL ~a month ago and had insider slow ring. I had another laptop which was running WSL bash for ~half a year with insider fast ring, and I never experienced that issue there ... - weird

@pgrm : @daiconrad has given a good workaround: add this to your .zshrc:

unsetopt BG_NICE

I guess you can close this issue now and let's wait for its origin:

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