Axios: Adding Retry Parameter

Created on 27 Nov 2015  ·  23Comments  ·  Source: axios/axios

I have one API that time to time returns ECONNRESET. So I'd like to do retry on such an error. Do you have plans to add retry feature to this library?

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@mericsson I am too in need of exponential backoff when retrying. I've put together the following which works great. You my want to add in checking for specific errors/status codes as this currently just intercepts and retries all errors.

axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, function axiosRetryInterceptor(err) {
    var config = err.config;
    // If config does not exist or the retry option is not set, reject
    if(!config || !config.retry) return Promise.reject(err);

    // Set the variable for keeping track of the retry count
    config.__retryCount = config.__retryCount || 0;

    // Check if we've maxed out the total number of retries
    if(config.__retryCount >= config.retry) {
        // Reject with the error
        return Promise.reject(err);

    // Increase the retry count
    config.__retryCount += 1;

    // Create new promise to handle exponential backoff
    var backoff = new Promise(function(resolve) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, config.retryDelay || 1);

    // Return the promise in which recalls axios to retry the request
    return backoff.then(function() {
        return axios(config);

To use:

axios.get('/some/endpoint', { retry: 5, retryDelay: 1000 })
    .then(function(res) {
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('failed', err);

Config Options:
retry - Number of times to retry the request after first failed request.
retryDelay - Number of milliseconds to wait in between failed requests (defaults to 1).

I may make this a bit more configurable in a gist at some point.

All 23 comments

any update on this?

I think this is very important. The scenario maybe when we implement Axios for mobile web, then the user switch the internet source from WiFi to any kind of mobile connection.

I don't think this kind of functionality should be in this library. If you need this, you can create a interceptor for this.

@jtangelder any ideas how should it look like?

function retryFailedRequest (err) {
  if (err.status === 500 && err.config && !err.config.__isRetryRequest) {
    err.config.__isRetryRequest = true;
    return axios(err.config);
  throw err;
axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, retryFailedRequest);

Something like this! It retries 500 errors once.

I agree with @jtangelder that this doesn't belong in the core library. This is a great use case for interceptors as illustrated.

@jtangelder @mzabriskie thanks! actually it is great example for documentation too

+1 I wish this example was easier to find!

@jtangelder thanks a lot for the snippet

A little correction on the snippet, I think the returned error status should be 504 instead of 500.

@jtangelder very helpful example.

I'm wondering, any ideas on how to do something with exponential backoff? Is it possible to return a promise from retryFailedRequest? Or other suggestions? Thanks!

The example in @jtangelder should be included in the cookbook page

You can now use axios-retry for this.

I agree. This should really be a part of the library, or at least better-documented.

@mericsson I am too in need of exponential backoff when retrying. I've put together the following which works great. You my want to add in checking for specific errors/status codes as this currently just intercepts and retries all errors.

axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, function axiosRetryInterceptor(err) {
    var config = err.config;
    // If config does not exist or the retry option is not set, reject
    if(!config || !config.retry) return Promise.reject(err);

    // Set the variable for keeping track of the retry count
    config.__retryCount = config.__retryCount || 0;

    // Check if we've maxed out the total number of retries
    if(config.__retryCount >= config.retry) {
        // Reject with the error
        return Promise.reject(err);

    // Increase the retry count
    config.__retryCount += 1;

    // Create new promise to handle exponential backoff
    var backoff = new Promise(function(resolve) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, config.retryDelay || 1);

    // Return the promise in which recalls axios to retry the request
    return backoff.then(function() {
        return axios(config);

To use:

axios.get('/some/endpoint', { retry: 5, retryDelay: 1000 })
    .then(function(res) {
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('failed', err);

Config Options:
retry - Number of times to retry the request after first failed request.
retryDelay - Number of milliseconds to wait in between failed requests (defaults to 1).

I may make this a bit more configurable in a gist at some point.

@KyleRoss Thanks for the code, I made an adjustment for the retries to be exponential

// Create new promise to handle exponential backoff. formula (2^c - 1 / 2) * 1000(for mS to seconds)
    const backOffDelay = config.retryDelay 
        ? ( (1/2) * (Math.pow(2, config.__retryCount) - 1) ) * 1000
        : 1;

    const backoff = new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        },  backOffDelay);

@KyleRoss Thanks for sharing.

The delay can be set increasingly:

const RETRY_TIMEOUTS = [1, 3, 5, 10]; // seconds
const delay = RETRY_TIMEOUTS[config.retryCount] * 1000;

If you want to retry an 4xx or 5xx request, you need work with the error object like that:

To intercept your requests:

axios.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
    // Do something before request is sent
    return config;
  }, function (error) {
    // Do something with request error
    return Promise.reject(error);

To intercept your responses:

axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
    // Do something with response data
    return response;
  }, function (error) {
    // Do something with response error
    return Promise.reject(error);

Awesome ideas. I rolled a fair bit of this up into an npm module, if folks are interested:

Happy to take feature requests ✨

axios-retry vs retry-axios

@KyleRoss I tried adding the retry and retryDelay configuration options to AxiosRequestConfig but it doesnt look like they exist. How did you get that to work?

@lawloretienne you need you make sure you add the code in my example prior to using any of the retry parameters. Since it acts more like a plugin, the new properties are not documented as part of axios itself.

config.__retryCount = config.__retryCount || 0;

@KyleRoss Unable to pass config config, each 'config.__reyCount' is undefined.
Custom properties are now filtered out.

@dennisreimann custom config are now filtered out in v0.19, and now we can pass config like this:

axios.defaults.headers.common['retry'] = 3
axios.defaults.headers.common['retryDelay'] = 1000
axios.defaults.headers.common['retryCount'] = 0

@mericsson I am too in need of exponential backoff when retrying. I've put together the following which works great. You my want to add in checking for specific errors/status codes as this currently just intercepts and retries all errors.

axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, function axiosRetryInterceptor(err) {
    var config = err.config;
    // If config does not exist or the retry option is not set, reject
    if(!config || !config.retry) return Promise.reject(err);

    // Set the variable for keeping track of the retry count
    config.__retryCount = config.__retryCount || 0;

    // Check if we've maxed out the total number of retries
    if(config.__retryCount >= config.retry) {
        // Reject with the error
        return Promise.reject(err);

    // Increase the retry count
    config.__retryCount += 1;

    // Create new promise to handle exponential backoff
    var backoff = new Promise(function(resolve) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, config.retryDelay || 1);

    // Return the promise in which recalls axios to retry the request
    return backoff.then(function() {
        return axios(config);

To use:

axios.get('/some/endpoint', { retry: 5, retryDelay: 1000 })
    .then(function(res) {
    .catch(function(err) {
        console.log('failed', err);

Config Options:
retry - Number of times to retry the request after first failed request.
retryDelay - Number of milliseconds to wait in between failed requests (defaults to 1).

I may make this a bit more configurable in a gist at some point.

thanks for help!

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