Baikal: Contacts on MacOS High Sierra

Created on 10 Nov 2017  ·  8Comments  ·  Source: sabre-io/Baikal

Hi Baikal users,

I can't sync Baikal CardDav on MacOS High Sierra Contacts app. It works like a charm with Calendar app and on iOS 11 (both Contacts and Calendar), but MacOS Contacts just does not sync.
Any idea ? Any help ?

Most helpful comment

The new version does have some of these redirects by default now! Hopefully it's better. If not, re-open this ticket

All 8 comments

I switched from OSX 10.11 to 10.13. After some problems in the beginning, I could get it working!

I removed my older config in .htaccess i found back then (OSX 10.11) in issue #401:

Redirect /.well-known/carddav /card.php
Redirect /.well-known/caldav /cal.php

and added the following lines in my apache.conf:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /.well-known/carddav /dav.php [R,L]
RewriteRule /.well-known/caldav /dav.php [R,L]

I used following account settings:

Account Type:    manual
User Name:       <baikal user>
Password:        <user password>
Server Address:  https://<baikal address>

But the user/password verification did not work the first time, I had to try several times (around 4 times clicking the button Sign In) until it signed in.

I hope someone can reproduce and verify this!

I have just set up Baikal with the Apache redirects from the installation instructions, and I can login (iOS device and OS X Contacts) but it does not seem to sync. I tried importing a few hundred vcards, and creating a few manually, but they do not show up on the server.

I tried leaving the Server Path to the default, and /dav.php/principals/username/ and neither of those worked.

I have to admit, my comment was a little bit too fast.
The initial synchronisation worked only to a certain point and stopped working afterwards (but the majority of the contacts were synced). New contacts on the server were not synchronised to macOS contacts anymore. If someone knows another way to sync the contacts to macOS, please let me know.

With my Android devices everything works perfectly.

Reviving this old thread with a solution for those who happen to encounter the same problem, like me…

The following settings worked for me with Contacts on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.5:

Account Type: Advanced
User Name: <Baikal username>
Password: <Baikal password>
Server Address: https://your.baikal.server
-or- http://your.baikal.server (if you don't use SSL)
Server Path: /baikal/html/dav.php/principals/<Baikal username>/
(assuming your Baikal installation is at http://your.baikal.server/baikal)

This may seem non-intuitive, but it is crucial to specify https://your.baikal.server instead of just your.baikal.server in the server address field!

Also, the server redirects previously suggested are not sufficient. If you look at the server logs, you'll notice that the Contacts app also tries to access /principals/<username> regardless of the other .well-knownredirects, therefore a rewrite must be added to handle that. So the complete list of required redirects/rewrites is:

(REDIRECT) ^/.well-known/carddav ==> https://your.baikal.server/baikal/html/dav.php
(REDIRECT) ^/.well-known/caldav ==> https://your.baikal.server/baikal/html/dav.php

(REWRITE) ^/principals/(.*) ==> /baikal/html/dav.php/principals/$1

I'm using lighttpd instead of Apache, so this is my lighttpd configuration. Apache users, you get the idea:

# Baikal CardDAV/CalDAV
$SERVER["socket"] == ":80" {
    $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" {
            url.redirect = ( 
                    "^/.well-known/carddav" => "http://%0/baikal/html/dav.php",
                    "^/.well-known/caldav"  => "http://%0/baikal/html/dav.php",
            url.rewrite-once = (
                    "^/principals/(.*)"     => "/baikal/html/dav.php/principals/$1"

The new version does have some of these redirects by default now! Hopefully it's better. If not, re-open this ticket

@evert Big Thanks!!!

Using Baikal since 5 years now for my whole family. Just upgraded to Mac OSX Mojave (10.14) just to find out that Apple Contacts again got broken to sync. Then found out: there is a Baikal update!

Yeaha! Download, Unzip, copy over ' Specific', surfed to /admin/ pressed Migrate. Guess what: everything there, and Mac works again.
Big Thanks for keeping this precious project alive! (By the way: Is there a donation page?)

I can't really take credit for this anymore. A bunch of great people have taken over =). We don't have a real donation page, but if you feel inclined send something to doctors without borders!

I can't really take credit for this anymore. A bunch of great people have taken over =). We don't have a real donation page, but if you feel inclined send something to doctors without borders!

Hi Evert,
I also using Baikal since 5 years ... then I upgrade Mac and OS ... I have High Sierra 10.13 and cannot sync and access to my calendars ... I read that with High Sierra 10.13 I have to use an SSL connection! I update to 0.60 but nothing! May you help me?!
Obvious everything works well with Android mobile

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