Bootcamp: ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:

Created on 5 Jul 2018  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: vitorfs/bootcamp

This error comes up when trying to run bootcamp in production using docker.
openssl-dev-1.0.2o-r0: conflicts: libressl-dev-2.6.5-r0[pc:libcrypto=1.0.2o] libressl-dev-2.6.5-r0[pc:libssl=1.0.2o] libressl-dev-2.6.5-r0[pc:openssl=1.0.2o] satisfies: world[openssl-dev] libressl-dev-2.6.5-r0: conflicts: openssl-dev-1.0.2o-r0[pc:libcrypto=2.6.5] openssl-dev-1.0.2o-r0[pc:libssl=2.6.5] openssl-dev-1.0.2o-r0[pc:openssl=2.6.5] satisfies: postgresql-dev-10.4-r0[libressl-dev] ERROR: Service 'worker' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apk update && apk add --virtual build-deps gcc python3-dev musl-dev && apk add postgresql-dev && apk add jpeg-dev zlib-dev freetype-dev lcms2-dev openjpeg-dev tiff-dev tk-dev tcl-dev && apk add libffi-dev openssl-dev py-cffi' returned a non-zero code: 3

To reproduce the error, clone the repository to a server with Ubuntu 16 LTS, ensure docker and docker-compose are installed and run
sudo docker-compose -f production.yml build

Low hanging fruit bug

All 5 comments

It looks like the build issue is related to some dependency constrain related somehow to the basic docker-alpine v3.6 image. I fixed it deleting the clashing dependency and now is building, but I'm not sure is solved. Can you check it out and report back?

Let me try that out and get back to you

Hey @sebastian-code coudl you kindly direct me on which Dockerfile you edited and the steps you took to make the edit?

Also, I edited openssl-dev to openssl in the production Dockerfile for postgres and the project is now building very well.

I already submitted the required changes into the repo with the last commit, reference in this issue. If you clone the repo you'll have those changes.

I have been checking the whole Docker flow, and it appear than there is work to be done due to some django-channels requirements @mwanjajoel

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