Borg: Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) Best Practices

Created on 7 Aug 2016  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: borgbackup/borg

Status: CII Best Practices

I would like to point you to the CII Best Practices Badge Program. Could you go thought the criteria and keep them up-to-date there? I think you have a pretty good chance of meeting most criteria already :wink:


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doing that, thanks for the pointer. :)

All 6 comments

doing that, thanks for the pointer. :)

stuff that (sometimes is somehow there but) could be better:

  • check usage of warning flags / linters (aside from pep8)
  • regularly use dynamic and static analysis tools

@ThomasWaldmann: For the dyanimc/static analysis tools, do you think pylint would qualify? If you would find it useful, I can work on adding it to the travis job.

my personal experience with pylint is that the time it takes to make it stop writing out false positives is a problem

That's true, Pylint is extremely stylistically strict by default and it produces a lot of nit picky output. One can drown in the deluge. I see you have a lot of experience with pytest, pylint stumbles a lot when it comes upon pytest hooks and other creative patterns. It takes some time to tune those out.

In the past, when I've begun using it on existing projects, I start by running it with --errors-only (which disables style checking) until I've dealt the actual code errors and initial setup. The configuration can be later tweaked from there to increase code quality.

A lot of words to say: I'm willing to put in the time.

update this about #2423.

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