C3: Logarithmic plot

Created on 20 May 2014  ·  16Comments  ·  Source: c3js/c3

Hello everyone,
I've searched a bit here and on the examples page, but haven't found anything about logarithm-scaled axes. Is it possible to create them? If not, consider this as a feature request.
Best regards,

C-feature-request C-new-chart

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that's a pretty ugly hack. would it be possible to expose an API that allows any d3 scale to be plugged in?

All 16 comments

Hi, Sorry currently not. Now you need to generate the logarithm-scaled data by yourself and plot.
I'll consider as a new feature later.

Hello Masayuki,

you need to generate the logarithm-scaled data

do you mean that it's possible to emulate this feature now? I've looked through the #Axis examples, but haven't noticed a way to put the ticks in arbitrary positions.. What example should I look into?
Best regards and thanks for your time and your work,

When you prepare your data convert into log scale. In Python let's say you have a list like this


You just do this

import math
log_list = map(math.log10,[100,1000,10000])

An implementation of Masayuki's workaround:

data_test_original = ['data1', 10, 100, 1000, 3, 500, 50, 5, 3000]
data_test = ['data1'];
for(var i=1; i<data_test_original.length; i++){
    data_test[i] = Math.log(data_test_original[i]) / Math.LN10;

var chart_test = c3.generate({
    bindto: '#chart_test',
    size: {
        height: 240,
        width: 480
    data: {
      columns: [
    axis : {
        y : {
            tick: {
               format: function (d) { return Math.pow(10,d).toFixed(2); }

hai @pbustosl ,,it's work for me!thx...but when i have value 0 in data1, it's not work, how can i handle value 0 ? thanks

the following would also format the values:

data_test_original = ['data1', 10, 100, 1000, 3, 500, 50, 5, 3000]
data_test = ['data1'];
for(var i=1; i<data_test_original.length; i++){
    data_test[i] = Math.log(data_test_original[i]) / Math.LN10;

var chart_test = c3.generate({
    size: {
        height: 240,
        width: 480
    data: {
      columns: [
      labels : {show:true,
          format: {
              data1 : function(d,id){console.log(id, Math.pow(10,d));return Math.pow(10,d).toFixed(0);}
    axis : {
        y : {
            tick: {
               format: function (d) { return Math.pow(10,d).toFixed(0); }

that's a pretty ugly hack. would it be possible to expose an API that allows any d3 scale to be plugged in?

+1 ...I need to draw a chart in log scale.

I would also like the ability to set my y axis(es) to by log

I too would like to be able to use a log scale for the y axis.

Any news on this?

Tried to tackle this issue (#2100). This is not 100% perfect but it may be sufficient for a lot of cases.

I tried @pbustosl workaround... it was helpful.

but when the data value is 1, the y axis was starting from 1 . also when the data value was 0 chart was not rendering.

i have done some workaround for that.
please refer this JSFiddle https://jsfiddle.net/86chryat/

d3.js directly supports log scale on an axis, so it'd be really nice if that could be surfaced in c3. It's a much nicer solution than recomputing the data, because it also handles the ticks.

I agree log scale would be useful

@masayuki0812 - by closing this, does it mean you won't consider support for it? It's really a critical feature for certain applications. It would be great to have proper integration if you have the time / inclination please.

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