Cargo: Allow specifying dependencies per feature

Created on 31 Aug 2018  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: rust-lang/cargo

Most feature-dependency correspondences can currently be modeled by making the dependency optional but having the feature depend on this.

This is not possible (from what I see) if "feature-a" and "feature-b" depend on the same crate but in different versions, as each crate can only be specified once.

A syntax like the following would seem consistent for that case (and could also provide another way of specifying feature-dependant dependencies in general).

[target.'cfg(feature = "feature-a")'.dependencies]
foobar = "0.1"

[target.'cfg(feature = "feature-b")'.dependencies]
foobar = "0.2"
A-features A-optional-dependencies

Most helpful comment

Encountered a similar issue where a workspace is split into multiple sub-crates, and each rely on specifying shared features of the main crate dependency. Something like this doesn't seem to work at all:

default = [ "fwupd", "system76" ]
fwupd = []
system76 = []

[target.'cfg(all(not(feature = "fwupd"), feature = "system76"))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "system76" ] }

[target.'cfg(all(feature = "fwupd", not(feature = "system76")))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "fwupd" ] }

[target.'cfg(all(feature = "fwupd", feature = "system76"))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "fwupd", "system76" ] }
cargo build --manifest-path gtk/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features system76

All 3 comments

I think that this may also largely be supported by May make it a bit easier to specify as well!

@alexcrichton There might be dependencies that are relevant only for a certain feature. Is there a way to express that?

There is already an example in the doc:

Encountered a similar issue where a workspace is split into multiple sub-crates, and each rely on specifying shared features of the main crate dependency. Something like this doesn't seem to work at all:

default = [ "fwupd", "system76" ]
fwupd = []
system76 = []

[target.'cfg(all(not(feature = "fwupd"), feature = "system76"))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "system76" ] }

[target.'cfg(all(feature = "fwupd", not(feature = "system76")))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "fwupd" ] }

[target.'cfg(all(feature = "fwupd", feature = "system76"))'.dependencies]
firmware-manager = { path = "../", default-features = false, features = [ "fwupd", "system76" ] }
cargo build --manifest-path gtk/Cargo.toml --no-default-features --features system76
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