Compose: docker-compose not showing logs for all containers

Created on 17 May 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: docker/compose

I'm using docker-compose for two containers and I run it using docker-compose up -d
But when I try to see its logs with docker-compose logs -f it shows me only the logs of one of the containers. I tried running the other container individually and it shows the logs just fine. I appreciate any help.


Most helpful comment

Hi, I just realized it was an issue with Python not flushing its stdout. I ended up adding the following code to my docker-compose.yml


Do you know if this is a common thing to happen with Docker?

All 4 comments

  • Are you using a different log driver from json-file (default) or journald?
  • What is the output of the docker-compose version command?
  • Can you share your docker-compose.yml file?


docker-compose version 1.11.2, build dfed245
docker-py version: 2.1.0
CPython version: 2.7.13
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016

version: '2' services: service-whose-logs-are-not-showing: ports: - "5553:5554" image: image-name command: python3.4 /path/ volumes: - /path1:/path2 - /path3:/path4 user: "username" extra_hosts: - "mxgateway:" restart: always service-whose-logs-are-showing: image: image-2-name command: <command> restart: always

Note that if I run image-name by itself, the logs appear just fine.

Hi, I just realized it was an issue with Python not flushing its stdout. I ended up adding the following code to my docker-compose.yml


Do you know if this is a common thing to happen with Docker?

Oh god I spent good time chasing this up :) It happened to me while using Flask, I had to hit save on the python code so the server would restart and flush the accumulated error tracebacks.

Thanks a lot @bibiteix

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