Polymer: Model: number data type is converted to string due to user input

Created on 1 Jul 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: Polymer/polymer

Properties defined as of Number data type are converted to String data type due to user input. I wonder this symptom does not happen only to iron-input or paper-input, but this is Polymer's behavior. Is there simple way to stop the data type conversion?

Please enter any number in the following iron-input. "string" will always pop up.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="import" href="proto.html">


<link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/iron-input/iron-input.html">
<dom-module id="proto-element">
        <input is="iron-input" bind-value="{{value}}">
        is: "proto-element",
            if(typeof o != "undefined")
                alert(typeof n);

Most helpful comment

This isn't Polymer's behavior, it's standard DOM behavior. The input tag's value property is a string value:


The type: Number on the property doesn't affect this; that value is only used when deserializing
an attribute value from markup
. So, if you have markup like this:

 <my-element value="123">

You're configuring the value property with the string "123". If value is type: Number,
it will be deserialized as the number 123.

On the other hand, this:

<my-element value="{{hostValue}}">

Binds the hosts's hostValue property to my-element's value property. No type conversion is involved here; they have the same value.

So, you'll need to convert the input's string value to something else. input Provides a valueAsNumber property, which you could bind like this:

    <input is="iron-input"  type="number" value-as-number="{{value::input}}">

Alternately, you could coerce the value in your valueChanged method:

    valueChanged:function(n) {
        if(typeof n == "string") {
          this.value = Number(n);

All 3 comments

This isn't Polymer's behavior, it's standard DOM behavior. The input tag's value property is a string value:


The type: Number on the property doesn't affect this; that value is only used when deserializing
an attribute value from markup
. So, if you have markup like this:

 <my-element value="123">

You're configuring the value property with the string "123". If value is type: Number,
it will be deserialized as the number 123.

On the other hand, this:

<my-element value="{{hostValue}}">

Binds the hosts's hostValue property to my-element's value property. No type conversion is involved here; they have the same value.

So, you'll need to convert the input's string value to something else. input Provides a valueAsNumber property, which you could bind like this:

    <input is="iron-input"  type="number" value-as-number="{{value::input}}">

Alternately, you could coerce the value in your valueChanged method:

    valueChanged:function(n) {
        if(typeof n == "string") {
          this.value = Number(n);

@arthurevans Thank you so much for the detailed explanation!
Perhaps adding it to Polymer's FAQ will help other users, too.

If you use props type arrayObject. you can resove by like this.

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