Dbeaver: Not latest data on table refresh

Created on 16 Aug 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: dbeaver/dbeaver

I have an application which sets a flag to 1 if its running. In phpMyAdmin I can see the flag being set to 1. In DBeaver, after I hit "Table Refresh" button I can only see value "0".
How can I force refresh the data?


All 3 comments

Maybe you are in transactional mode. You won't see changes until you will end current transaction (with commit or rollback).
You can switch to auto-commit mode (in the main toolbar or main menu).

Yes, you're right. Its working when I switch it to auto-commit mode.
Is there a way to default this option ?

Yes, you can set default on connection properties page "General".

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