Evalml: Titanic-Dataset mit Textspalten schlägt beim Ensembling fehl

Erstellt am 20. Mai 2021  ·  5Kommentare  ·  Quelle: alteryx/evalml

Datensatz :


import pandas as pd
import woodwork as ww
data_set = pd.read_csv("titanic_alan.csv")
y = data_set['Survived']
X = data_set.drop(['Survived',], axis=1)
automl = AutoMLSearch(X, y, problem_type="binary", error_callback=raise_error_callback, max_batches=10, ensembling=True)

Fehler mit:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-7e028fe6ad03> in <module>
      1 automl = AutoMLSearch(X, y, problem_type="binary", error_callback=raise_error_callback, max_batches=10, ensembling=True)
----> 2 automl.search()

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/automl_search.py in search(self, show_iteration_plot)
    598                     computation = computations[current_computation_index]
    599                     if computation.done():
--> 600                         evaluation = computation.get_result()
    601                         data, pipeline, job_log = evaluation.get('scores'), evaluation.get("pipeline"), evaluation.get("logger")
    602                         pipeline_id = self._post_evaluation_callback(pipeline, data, job_log)

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/engine/sequential_engine.py in get_result(self)
     33         Raises Exception: If computation fails. Returns traceback.
     34         """
---> 35         return self.work(**self.kwargs)
     37     def cancel(self):

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/engine/engine_base.py in evaluate_pipeline(pipeline, automl_config, X, y, logger)
    216     return train_and_score_pipeline(pipeline, automl_config=automl_config,
    217                                     full_X_train=X, full_y_train=y,
--> 218                                     logger=logger)

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/engine/engine_base.py in train_and_score_pipeline(pipeline, automl_config, full_X_train, full_y_train, logger)
    171             if automl_config.error_callback is not None:
    172                 automl_config.error_callback(exception=e, traceback=traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]), automl=automl_config,
--> 173                                              fold_num=i, pipeline=pipeline)
    174             if isinstance(e, PipelineScoreError):
    175                 nan_scores = {objective: np.nan for objective in e.exceptions}

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/callbacks.py in raise_error_callback(exception, traceback, automl, **kwargs)
     13     logger.error(f'AutoML search raised a fatal exception: {str(exception)}')
     14     logger.error("\n".join(traceback))
---> 15     raise exception

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/engine/engine_base.py in train_and_score_pipeline(pipeline, automl_config, full_X_train, full_y_train, logger)
    160         try:
    161             logger.debug(f"\t\t\tFold {i}: starting training")
--> 162             cv_pipeline = train_pipeline(pipeline, X_train, y_train, automl_config.optimize_thresholds, automl_config.objective)
    163             logger.debug(f"\t\t\tFold {i}: finished training")
    164             if automl_config.optimize_thresholds and pipeline.can_tune_threshold_with_objective(automl_config.objective):

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/automl/engine/engine_base.py in train_pipeline(pipeline, X, y, optimize_thresholds, objective)
    111                                                                   test_size=0.2, random_seed=pipeline.random_seed)
    112     cv_pipeline = pipeline.clone()
--> 113     cv_pipeline.fit(X, y)
    114     tune_binary_threshold(cv_pipeline, objective, cv_pipeline.problem_type,
    115                           X_threshold_tuning, y_threshold_tuning)

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/utils/base_meta.py in _set_fit(self, X, y)
     16         @wraps(method)
     17         def _set_fit(self, X, y=None):
---> 18             return_value = method(self, X, y)
     19             self._is_fitted = True
     20             return return_value

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/pipelines/classification_pipeline.py in fit(self, X, y)
     35         self._encoder.fit(y)
     36         y = self._encode_targets(y)
---> 37         self._fit(X, y)
     38         return self

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/pipelines/pipeline_base.py in _fit(self, X, y)
    217     def _fit(self, X, y):
    218         self.input_target_name = y.name
--> 219         self._component_graph.fit(X, y)
    220         self.input_feature_names = self._component_graph.input_feature_names

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/pipelines/component_graph.py in fit(self, X, y)
    122         X = infer_feature_types(X)
    123         X = _convert_woodwork_types_wrapper(X.to_dataframe())
--> 124         self._compute_features(self.compute_order, X, y, fit=True)
    125         self._feature_provenance = self._get_feature_provenance(X.columns)
    126         return self

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/pipelines/component_graph.py in _compute_features(self, component_list, X, y, fit)
    249             else:
    250                 if fit:
--> 251                     component_instance.fit(input_x, input_y)
    252                 if not (fit and component_name == self.compute_order[-1]):  # Don't call predict on the final component during fit
    253                     output = component_instance.predict(input_x)

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/utils/base_meta.py in _set_fit(self, X, y)
     16         @wraps(method)
     17         def _set_fit(self, X, y=None):
---> 18             return_value = method(self, X, y)
     19             self._is_fitted = True
     20             return return_value

~/Desktop/evalml/evalml/pipelines/components/estimators/estimator.py in fit(self, X, y)
     45         X, y = self._manage_woodwork(X, y)
     46         self.input_feature_names = list(X.columns)
---> 47         self._component_obj.fit(X, y)
     48         return self

~/Desktop/evalml_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/ensemble/_stacking.py in fit(self, X, y, sample_weight)
    439         self._le = LabelEncoder().fit(y)
    440         self.classes_ = self._le.classes_
--> 441         return super().fit(X, self._le.transform(y), sample_weight)
    443     @if_delegate_has_method(delegate='final_estimator_')

~/Desktop/evalml_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/ensemble/_stacking.py in fit(self, X, y, sample_weight)
    182                                        fit_params=fit_params,
    183                                        verbose=self.verbose)
--> 184             for est, meth in zip(all_estimators, self.stack_method_)
    185             if est != 'drop'
    186         )

~/Desktop/evalml_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in __call__(self, iterable)
   1053             with self._backend.retrieval_context():
-> 1054                 self.retrieve()
   1055             # Make sure that we get a last message telling us we are done
   1056             elapsed_time = time.time() - self._start_time

~/Desktop/evalml_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/parallel.py in retrieve(self)
    931             try:
    932                 if getattr(self._backend, 'supports_timeout', False):
--> 933                     self._output.extend(job.get(timeout=self.timeout))
    934                 else:
    935                     self._output.extend(job.get())

~/Desktop/evalml_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/joblib/_parallel_backends.py in wrap_future_result(future, timeout)
    540         AsyncResults.get from multiprocessing."""
    541         try:
--> 542             return future.result(timeout=timeout)
    543         except CfTimeoutError as e:
    544             raise TimeoutError from e

~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/_base.py in result(self, timeout)
    433                 raise CancelledError()
    434             elif self._state == FINISHED:
--> 435                 return self.__get_result()
    436             else:
    437                 raise TimeoutError()

~/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/_base.py in __get_result(self)
    382     def __get_result(self):
    383         if self._exception:
--> 384             raise self._exception
    385         else:
    386             return self._result

AttributeError: 'WordListCorpusReader' object has no attribute '_LazyCorpusLoader__args'

Durch das Löschen aller Textspalten kann das Ensemble vollständig ausgeführt werden:

import pandas as pd
import woodwork as ww
data_set = pd.read_csv("titanic_alan.csv")
y = data_set['Survived']
X = data_set.drop(['Survived', 'Name', 'Embarked'], axis=1)
automl = AutoMLSearch(X, y, problem_type="binary", error_callback=raise_error_callback, max_batches=10, ensembling=True)

Dies ist potenziell relevant: https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1576


Hilfreichster Kommentar

Wer auch immer dies aufgreift, führt dazu, dass das Setzen von n_jobs=1 nur für den Ensemble in automl den ursprünglichen Stack-Trace verschwindet. Das kann ein schneller Patch sein, aber es gibt immer noch Raum, um die Ursache zu finden und eine bessere Lösung zu finden.

from evalml.pipelines import BinaryClassificationPipeline
from evalml.pipelines import StackedEnsembleClassifier
from evalml.pipelines.components.utils import WrappedSKClassifier
import pandas as pd
import pytest

X = pd.read_csv("/Users/freddy.boulton/Downloads/titanic_text.csv")
y = X.pop('Survived')
X = X.drop(["Embarked"], axis=1)

components = ["Imputer", "Text Featurization Component", "One Hot Encoder"]
estimators = ["Random Forest Classifier", "CatBoost Classifier", "Extra Trees Classifier"]
pipelines = [BinaryClassificationPipeline(component_graph=components + [est]) for est in estimators]

ensemble = StackedEnsembleClassifier(pipelines, n_jobs=1)
ensemble.fit(X, y)

Außerdem überprüft mich jemand, aber ich kann das ursprüngliche Problem mit evalml 0.23.0 reproduzieren, daher bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob es sich lohnt, den Unterschied zwischen 0.24.1 und 0.23.0 zu untersuchen.

Alle 5 Kommentare

Ich denke, wir können reproduzieren, ohne die Suche auszuführen - wenn Sie nur auf StackedEnsemblerClassifier klicken, wird der Fehler ausgelöst. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es ausschließlich an der Mehrfachverarbeitung liegt, die Verwendung von Parallel(n_jobs=-1) mit Vanilla-Pipelines funktioniert. Ich denke, es passiert etwas innerhalb von StackedEnsemblerClassifier :

from evalml.pipelines import BinaryClassificationPipeline
from evalml.pipelines import StackedEnsembleClassifier
from evalml.pipelines.components.utils import WrappedSKClassifier
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import pytest

X = pd.read_csv("/Users/freddy.boulton/Downloads/titanic_text.csv")
y = X.pop('Survived')

components = ["Imputer", "Text Featurization Component", "One Hot Encoder"]
estimators = ["Random Forest Classifier", "CatBoost Classifier", "Extra Trees Classifier"]
pipelines = [BinaryClassificationPipeline(component_graph=components + [est]) for est in estimators]

# Fitting each pipeline individually works
for pl in pipelines:
    pl.fit(X, y)

# Wrapping each pipeline in sklearn works
for pl in pipelines:
    WrappedSKClassifier(pl).fit(X, y)

def fit_pipeline(pipeline, X, y):
    return pipeline.fit(X, y)

# Fitting pipelines in parallel works too
fit_pipelines = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(fit_pipeline)(pl, X, y) for pl in pipelines)
fit_sklearn_wrapped = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(fit_pipeline)(WrappedSKClassifier(pl), X, y) for pl in pipelines)

# Using ensemble does not work
ensemble = StackedEnsembleClassifier(pipelines)
with pytest.raises(AttributeError,
                   match="'WordListCorpusReader' object has no attribute '_LazyCorpusLoader__args'"):
    ensemble.fit(X, y)

@freddyaboulton super ! Ja das sehe ich auch.

Ich weiß, dass der Datensatz, der uns zur Verfügung gestellt wurde, relativ zu den Standard-Titanic-Daten gemischt wurde. Ich frage mich, ob das hier mit der Ursache zu tun hat.

Wer auch immer dies aufgreift, führt dazu, dass das Setzen von n_jobs=1 nur für den Ensemble in automl den ursprünglichen Stack-Trace verschwindet. Das kann ein schneller Patch sein, aber es gibt immer noch Raum, um die Ursache zu finden und eine bessere Lösung zu finden.

from evalml.pipelines import BinaryClassificationPipeline
from evalml.pipelines import StackedEnsembleClassifier
from evalml.pipelines.components.utils import WrappedSKClassifier
import pandas as pd
import pytest

X = pd.read_csv("/Users/freddy.boulton/Downloads/titanic_text.csv")
y = X.pop('Survived')
X = X.drop(["Embarked"], axis=1)

components = ["Imputer", "Text Featurization Component", "One Hot Encoder"]
estimators = ["Random Forest Classifier", "CatBoost Classifier", "Extra Trees Classifier"]
pipelines = [BinaryClassificationPipeline(component_graph=components + [est]) for est in estimators]

ensemble = StackedEnsembleClassifier(pipelines, n_jobs=1)
ensemble.fit(X, y)

Außerdem überprüft mich jemand, aber ich kann das ursprüngliche Problem mit evalml 0.23.0 reproduzieren, daher bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob es sich lohnt, den Unterschied zwischen 0.24.1 und 0.23.0 zu untersuchen.

@freddyaboulton Ich denke, dies macht angesichts https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1576 Sinn.

Das scheint sicherlich nahe zu sein

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