Definitelytyped: Lodash some methods missing in LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper

Created on 3 Nov 2015  ·  50Comments  ·  Source: DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped

TypeScript code (from

var users = [
    { 'user': 'barney',  'age': 36 },
    { 'user': 'fred',    'age': 40 },
    { 'user': 'pebbles', 'age': 1 }

var youngest = _.chain(users)
    .map(function(chr) {
        return chr.user + ' is ' + chr.age;

tsc compiler complaints:

error TS2339: Property 'sortBy' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<{ 'user': string; 'age': number; }>'.

the same happens with pluck

Most helpful comment

A workaround may be like this:

(lodash.chain(stuff).pickBy(lodash.isArray) as any).transform(transformFunction, []).value();

All 50 comments

Yep, I work on it and if you write which of methods are interesting for you, I'll add them first.

by #6600 :+1:

error TS2339: Property 'first' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<string>'.

@joe-chung yep, there are some problems in the module definition and they make difficult adding of signatures first (and some other methods) right now

Property 'some' does not exist on type 'LodashArrayWrapper<any[]>'

@thakursagar The interface LodashArrayWrapper does not exist in the definition of lodash for a long time. Please check that you use the latest version of the definition. The method some already should work fine.

Do you want me to submit a PR for _.reduce in the LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper ? This would be helpful for us

@gamebox Yeah, please add _.reduce, it's definitely missing.

need _.uniqBy as well

also _.flattenDepth()

and _.sort

and _.split

_.flatMap please

@chrootsu _.update and _.updateWith please :)

Property 'mean' does not exist on type 'LoDashStatic'.

Please add _(x).split

Same issue: Property 'split' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitWrapper<string>'

lodash version: 3.10.1

typings.json dependency:
"lodash": "registry:dt/lodash#3.10.0+20160802150749"

_.keyBy seems to be missing as well

_.findWhere is also missing. Can you please add this aswell...

as is _.assign

_.flatMapDeep please? :)

_.max on LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper

interface LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper {
* @see _.max
iteratee: ListIterator
): LoDashExplicitWrapper;

     * @see _.max
    max(iteratee: string): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;

     * @see _.max
    max(): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;

     * @see _.max
    max(iteratee: Dictionary<{}>): LoDashExplicitWrapper<number>;

Not sure why this is closed...there seems to be a bunch of methods missing from the typings (_.uniqWith for me)

and _.find
on both
Property 'find' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<{}>'.
Property 'find' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitArrayWrapper<{}[]>'

and _.pairs
Property 'pairs' does not exist on type 'LoDashStatic'.

_.include as well

_.divide too

whatever goes after _.chain would have this error, plz help to fix it @chrootsu @rbcasperson also...
This issue should be reopened.

I checked the comments above, and these appear to be still missing:


This bug should be reopened as a lot of methods (mentioned above) still do not have correct typings.

Also transform is missing too,
reported separately by someone else here #14748
is this going to be fixed soon?
is there a work around?

A workaround may be like this:

(lodash.chain(stuff).pickBy(lodash.isArray) as any).transform(transformFunction, []).value();

_.mapValues() does not exist on UnderscoreStatic. This method is missing from lodash Kindly update.

it seems that _mapValues is not include in the chain but working as stand alone

Property 'keys' does not exist on type 'LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper'

Property 'length' is missing in type 'LoDashImplicitArrayWrapper<...>'

Property 'differenceWith' does not exist on type 'LoDashImplicitObjectWrapper'.

Please ensure that you call on the end of your chain

_.times please

_.partition please

_.cond Please also please

_.upperCase and _.deburr please

result on tslint error
Property 'mapValues' does not exist on type 'LoDashExplicitObjectWrapper<{}>'.

Opps... missing method does not exist in lodash.

This almost works, but .pickBy is also subject to this problem!

(lodash.chain(stuff).pickBy(lodash.isArray) as any).transform(transformFunction, []).value();

_.uniqWith please

Is there are any way we can fix this ourselves?

This thread is a few years old and there are still functions that do not work!

@charlesr1971 I have the issue with _.uniqWith too, it seems that the function still works but the interface is not defined it yet.

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