Definitelytyped: /node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts (): Cannot find name 'Exclude'.

Created on 11 Mar 2019  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped


Beginning a few days ago, we began seeing the following when attempting to build an existing Angular2+ project making use of @types/lodash-es and lodash-es.

.../node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts (): Cannot find name 'Exclude'.

This is causing a production build to no longer complete successfully.
The project is using:
"@types/lodash-es": "^4.14.5",
"lodash-es": "^4.17.4",
"typescript": "~2.3.2"

Per and , it seems like there was a change put in place that relies on Typescript 2.8+

Can you please provide an update that does not require the typescript version to be updated past 2.3+?

Most helpful comment

You can install types for an old version of typescript with using npm tags. For example lodash types for typescript 2.5 npm i -D @types/[email protected].

All 13 comments

It looks to me that the problem might be being caused by the @types/lodash-es requiring "@types/lodash": "*" in the package-lock.json file. This results in the following entry in the package-lock.json file:

"@types/lodash": { "version": "4.14.123", "resolved": "", },

version 4.14.123 contains a breaking change (uses Exclude which is only available in Typescript 2.8+).

How can I make use of a version of @types\lodash-es that does not cause the latest version of @types/lodash to be brought into/used in the project?

More detail provided in my question here:

It looks to me like even previous versions of @types/lodash-es are causing the most recent version of @types/lodash to be brought into the project, which means the project won't build because @types/lodash 4.14.123 is not compatible with Typescript 2.3.* (because Exclude is used). However, I don't have control over which version of @types/lodash is required as this is handled indirectly @types/lodash-es which is the only related dependency I do have in the project...


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"license": "MIT",
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"test": "ng test",
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"webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.9.0"


  1. rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
  2. npm install
  3. ng serve

ERROR in /../node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts (1689,12): Cannot find name 'Exclude'.
ERROR in /../node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts (1766,12): Cannot find name 'Exclude'.
ERROR in /../node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts (1842,34): Cannot find name 'Exclude'.

Got this above error. Any way to solve this??

If I replace the file ("/../node_modules/@types/lodash/common/object.d.ts") with "" code then it works...

ran into the similar issue, installed "4.14.121" version of @types/lodash and it works fine which seems more stable version and compatible with the typescript version that I've installed

dependencies is as below in my package.json file:

"dependencies": {
"@types/lodash": "4.14.121",
"typescript": "2.5.3",

You can install types for an old version of typescript with using npm tags. For example lodash types for typescript 2.5 npm i -D @types/[email protected].

Just updated typescript@~2.8.x and the problem is gone!

@elouizbadr Did you experience slowness in the build after upgrading to typescript@~2.8.x. My build time takes too long, almost two times slower after upgrading to 2.8.x.

I was having same issue then I have followed @faizu88 steps and i got resolved the issue.

I have same problem. My solution is run below command

cd app
npm install @types/[email protected] --save-exact

Hope can help many person. :)

This case i face when i work on team that using same version nodejs and
npm. With same source code i cant build, and my friend dun have a problem.
When i check node_module and compare lodash. I found that the version is
different. The correct version is 4.14.116.

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 10:41 PM Toby Thain

Is there a clear explanation and a sensible fix for this?

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npm i -D @types/[email protected]

this command worked for me too.

Just updated typescript@~2.8.x and the problem is gone!

I set typescript@~2.8.2 and it work!! thank you !!

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