Definitelytyped: d3.event.pageX

Created on 9 Jun 2015  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped

I'm building an interactive graph using D3 and typescript. But I have trouble to get typescript support for: d3.event.pageX and d3.event.pageY.

Property 'pageX' does not exist on type 'Event'
Property 'pageX' does not exist on type 'Event'

I'm new to the typescript world. So I'm not sure this is something missing in the definition or simply because I used it wrong.


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Was anything else done to resolve this? It is still an issue as I get the same transpile errors as above.

All 3 comments

@HelloBugs please send a pull reuqest. I'll review it.

Was anything else done to resolve this? It is still an issue as I get the same transpile errors as above.

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