Django-compressor: Publish a new release of django_compressor

Created on 1 Dec 2019  ·  16Comments  ·  Source: django-compressor/django-compressor

With the current latest django-compressor 2.3, I get an import error

File ".../python3.8/site-packages/compressor/templatetags/", line 3, in <module>
from django.utils import six
ImportError: cannot import name 'six' from 'django.utils' (.../python3.8/site-packages/django/utils/

It looks like that was fixed in, but there aren't any releases after that commit. With django.utils.six removed in Django 3.0, it looks like django-compressor won't be compatible with Django 3.0 until a new release is cut for django-compressor.

See also #940.

Running some sanity checks on two django apps that I own, I don't see any problems with the current version of django_compressor.

(For anyone else seeing this issue, you can add -e git:// into your requirements.txt file to install compressor's current master commit from directly from github)

Most helpful comment has been released. Hopefully it works, and huge thanks for all your efforts, @albertyw !

All 16 comments

Thank you very very much.

(For anyone else seeing this issue, you can add -e git:// into your requirements.txt file to install compressor's current master commit from directly from github)

I tried

$ pip install -e git://

and good result.

$ ./ test monitor
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 10 tests in 5.034s

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

I'll try to find the time to do a release soon. If you want to help, testing of the develop branch in real environments is always appreciated.

I'm running the develop branch (@a5bfd77545) with Django 3.0 in production with the following configuration, no issue :)


This is on heroku with gunicorn as a server, uvicorn as an asgi worker, channels as the router and whitenoise for serving static files.

Running locally (same setup except heroku) with online compression also works fine.

I install next packages via pip.
But failed install django_compressor, because installed six 1.13.0.
Please change install_requires.

        'six == 1.12.0',
  • Django
  • djangorestframework
  • markdown
  • django-filter
  • drf-yasg
  • django-bootstrap4
  • django_compressor
  • django-libsass

I've just tested current develop branch of django_compressor with Weblate and all tests pass. Do you have plans for the release?

There is a PR to create a new release in #964 , which is waiting on #967

django-compressor's has this requirement:

'django-appconf >= 1.0'

django-appconf 1.0.3 works fine. And if I install django-compressor in an empty virtualenv, this is the version that gets installed.

django-appconf 1.0.2 does not work with Django 3: it tries to import django.utils.six. When I upgrade django-compressor, and already have django-appconf==1.0.2 installed, the 1.0.2 satisifies the ">= 1.0" requirement. So in the end I have a broken install.

I think the django-appconf requirement in should be tightened up.

I created #978 based on the comment above. #964 can be merged after #978 has been released. Hopefully it works, and huge thanks for all your efforts, @albertyw !

@diox could you add 2.4 git tag?


Awesome, thanks for making the release!

The new release doesn't show up on yet – would be nice to update it as well.

mmm I think it's because I forgot to tag at first, so it hasn't detected 2.4 yet. Not sure what can be done about that - maybe it will fix itself once we commit more stuff.

I rebuilt the stable version in readthedocs, which led to a new 2.4 build, but stable was still at 2.3. that looked a bit like, and wiping the environment helped, so i think all is well now. thanks for the report @cuu508!

@intgr reported that the latest version was also not rebuilt. i checked and it seems the problem was something else entirely, our repo still had the old github integrations in place, which have been replaced by webhooks a year ago. the latest readthedocs page was indeed not automatically updated since then. i added a webhook, so this should work automatically in the future again. thanks @intgr!

and it does indeed work, i just pushed and the docs were rebuilt.

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