Doccano: After adding users in Django Admin, still there are no field `Users` when creating project

Created on 4 Jun 2019  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: doccano/doccano

System information

  • Linux Ubuntu 14.04:
  • Python version 3.6:
  • Nodejs v8.16.0
  • Django 2.1.7
  • Browser: Chrome

Describe the problem

I add a user and a group in Django Admin. The group is assigned with the following permissions.
Then the user is added to this group.
However, when I login with admin user and create a new project, I can't see the User sub panel.
The problem is similar with issue#198 except that I have already create a user and assign corresponding permissions to him.

Source code / logs

Besides, when I do a GET request to $BASE_URL/v1/projects/$PROJECT_ID, I can see the added users as the following image shows

Thank you for your tips in advance !


Most helpful comment

Make sure to use Ctrl, multi-select users that will have access to the project and then save the configuration.


All 4 comments

Make sure to use Ctrl, multi-select users that will have access to the project and then save the configuration.


Make sure to use Ctrl, multi-select users that will have access to the project and then save the configuration.


Thank you for pointing this out!
I know is written just below the box, but this kind of UX was very unintuitive for me.
I would have expected something analogous to the way permissions are granted to users, e.g. with two boxes where you can move options from the left to right box.

Note that pull request introduces RBAC which removes the need to use the Django admin to assign users to projects: there is now a tab for each project where new users can be assigned to projects and their access level for the project can be set (e.g. project admin, annotation approver, labeler).

This is the Django Admin issue that not related to doccano.

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