Docker: Mention how to generate a plugins.txt from an existing jenkins instance

Created on 28 Aug 2016  ·  7Comments  ·  Source: jenkinsci/docker

Hi thanks for the official image on Since users are likely to be switching to a docker deployment from an existing jenkins system, please mention how to generate the plugins.txt to copy to /usr/share/jenkins/ref/.

This url allows you can see all the plugins and versions installed on an existing instance:
It might be easier to turn the xml into a plugins.txt:

Also nice to include the "jobs" directory in the example for pre-configuring the new instance.

ADD jobs /usr/share/jenkins/ref/

Most helpful comment

The link provided by @jamshid does not seem to work on our Jenkins (v2.73.1), I use the following .groovy script

  plugin -> 
    println ("${plugin.getShortName()}: ${plugin.getVersion()}")

This can be executed from the "Script" console at https://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/script (assuming you are admin)

All 7 comments

isn't this already covered in ?

Ah thanks, yes it is, can that curl be copied to the instructions or linked?
It seems the hub instructions refer to a lot maybe it should link to if that's where the more complete / up to date instructions are?

The link provided by @jamshid does not seem to work on our Jenkins (v2.73.1), I use the following .groovy script

  plugin -> 
    println ("${plugin.getShortName()}: ${plugin.getVersion()}")

This can be executed from the "Script" console at https://YOUR_JENKINS_URL/script (assuming you are admin)

@espenalb can you fix the sample, there is no space after :


@espenalb Thanks for the handy Groovy! For newer versions of Jenkins than 2.8x you will need to coerce the return to a specific type.

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