Electron: Programmatically set BrowserWindow frame property

Created on 2 Mar 2016  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: electron/electron

I want to programmatically set the BrowserWindow's frame property _after_ the window has already been created.

For example:

var win = new electron.BrowserWindow({ frame: true })
// ... some time goes by
// ... some time goes by

Is there any way to do this with electron? Can we add this?

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It is possible on OS X. Any chance it could be added just for OS X, like the other OS X specific frame features?

All 3 comments

No, it is not possible on most platforms.

It is possible on OS X. Any chance it could be added just for OS X, like the other OS X specific frame features?

+1, QuickTime does this. It would be beneficial for video playback apps being built in Electron.

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