Elevate: PSS not calculated for trainer ride with no distance

Created on 9 Jan 2019  ·  19Comments  ·  Source: thomaschampagne/elevate

Step 1: Are you in the right place?

Step 2: Describe your environment

  • Plugin version: 6.8.1 stable
  • Chrome/Opera/Chromium version: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • OS version: OSX 10.12.6

Step 3: Describe the problem:

For all of my trainer rides where I've disabled the GPS, PSS isn't calculated. Strava calculates the weighted average power as expected, but Elevate does not (divide by 0?), and has a note to configure FTP settings to get "Power Stress Score". I see PSS also isn't listed for trainer rides in the Fitness Trend. PSS is calculated as expected on outdoor rides with GPS enabled.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Upload ride with GPS disabled, so distance traveled is 0 miles.

Actual Behavior:

  • What happened?
  • Do you have javascript errors logs in browser console?

    Press F12 to see developer console and javascript logs

    google.loader.f @ jsapi?key=ABQIAAAA9S76sdh5KSPpfr65zxQHGBT-rU0CFRjazioGWeeHjJLEyYXO2RSmaFbEdGganPrQRY2l3ORmYrTPpA:23
    2065611390/power_data:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

VM330:4 GET https://www.strava.com/activities/2065611390/power_data 401

Expected Behavior:

  • What did you expect to happen?
    PSS calculated

Media attachement:

You can upload/attach any images to this ticket.

screen shot 2019-01-08 at 7 16 42 pm

Providing your Elevate synced athlete activities can be usefull to solve the problem

To export your activities click on "sync button" (top right and corner), then "Backup activities". You can zip the file and upload it here.

bug major

All 19 comments

Same behaviour on win10 and latest chrome version.

same problem, files generated using indoor mode on wahoo elemnt

Have been experiencing this for a couple of months now as well. Win10, Chrome, all up to date. Files generated using Trainerroad indoors via phone app. Have tried syncing, deleting extension, to no avail.

Can you provide me a fit file to debug? Also activity ids?

Can you provide me a fit file to debug? Also activity ids?

Sent via email

Also experienced this issue. 0k indoor ride on turbo with power recorded by Garmin 520.

@eferber Could you temporally make public your 2 activities:



Thanks :)

Ok i have the solution 😄 !!

You have to make sure that these activities are flagged as Indoor Cycling in strava (see images). Otherwise power stream is not accessible, and PSS is not calculated. After setting the flag manually on your activities in strava, just perform a clear & re-sync activities in elevate app. Problem should be fixed.

Also you may have an option on your GPS to set your training session as "Indoor". So when uploading to strava, the flag Indoor Cycling is automatically set. I know i can do that on my Garmin Edge profiles.

If a Wahoo Element GPS and according to the instructions: https://eu.wahoofitness.com/instructions/elemnt-bolt#profile. You may go to SETTINGS MENU > Location > _Set to Indoor/Outdoor. (Will turn off GPS and elevation when indoors.)_

@cmagnuson If problem is fixed you can close this ticket.





Trainerroad automatically flags all of its activities as indoor cycling, and I have confirmed that the tags are applied as you said.


This doesn't solve the issue, as none of these rides have a PSS calculated.


Despite the message to configure FTP in Athlete Settings, which I have already done:


@harblhat Can you provide me activity link of this "Ramp Test" (public accessible)?

@harblhat Can you provide me activity link of this "Ramp Test" (public accessible)?

Here you go: https://www.strava.com/activities/2112275292

I'm also still seeing it - the activities were already flagged as "Indoor Cycling", here is an example:

Using the same GPS (Edge 500) but a different power meter last year I did not experience the issue:

The only obvious difference I see in the data they provide is a speed was generated from last year's power meter (trainer) but isn't provided by my current power meter.

Indoor trainer tags set correctly for me. I also only note this when no speed data is provided.

I found the problem (i hope for sure this time :)). The CI will generate a test build available in ~15 minutes

I will give you the link in a new comment

Here's the test build that fix this bug: https://bitbucket.org/thomaschampagne/elevate-ci-builds/downloads/v6.9.0_stable_2019-01-30-20-01.develop.9bed3a9f.zip

@cmagnuson You can reopen the bug if not fixed

Fix is working as expected, thanks!

Working for me as well. Thank you!

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