Eto: Support Visual Studio 2019 in Eto.Forms Addin

Created on 17 Apr 2019  ·  22Comments  ·  Source: picoe/Eto

It looks like the Eto.Forms Visual Studio Addin does not support Visual Studio 2019

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Hey guys, thanks for your patience in this. Updating the VS addin for Mac and Windows is next on my list when I get spare time.

All 22 comments

Thanks for reporting the issue, the addin has not been updated to VS 2019, but will be soon!


Is there any progress?

This is something I am also interested in, any ETA?

Hey guys, thanks for your patience in this. Updating the VS addin for Mac and Windows is next on my list when I get spare time.

We're definitely interested in it.
Is there an updates regarding progress?


Yes there's been some movement. I've updated everything to VS2019 but haven't had a chance to test it much. It would be helpful if someone could give it a go and report back any issues!

You can download it from here.

Thx so much. I'm pulling it today and will start looking at it.

Naive question and probably not the forum, but I didn't want to open an issue.
Q: What is the difference between "embedding Eto in WPF" vs "embedding WPF in ETO?"
When would I use either?


Are sources available for the samples?

I tried it briefly ; It installs flawlessly and New-Project:Eto.Forms.Application + New-Item:Eto.Forms.View works just as expected. But the forms preview-view does not pop up, opening a file xxx.eto.cs opens as plain text only (same with xaml & json) ;


And there is this, but you are probably aware of that ;


Q: What is the difference between "embedding Eto in WPF" vs "embedding WPF in ETO?"

  • "Embedding Eto in WPF" is when you have an existing WPF app and want to use Eto controls in it without replacing the whole WPF app.
  • "Embedding WPF in Eto" is when you want to use Eto as the primary app but embed a WPF control into it.

Are sources available for the samples?

They are all here.

@rafntor thanks for the quick test! Bummer though, it looks like VS on both Mac _and_ Windows messed up the entire designer piece by rewriting all of their editor interfaces. Yay. On the slightly plus side, I think they might be using the same interfaces now so I might be able to reuse some code. That's just a guess though.

As for the warnings restoring packages, that would go away if you added the myget feed to your nuget sources. It also won't be a problem after the final release.

@rafntor actually, I just did a quick test on that, it appears the preview is working but it just starts out collapsed. If you drag the splitter on the top of the window down it reveals the designer surface. Could you confirm?

Yes, you are right, I was fooled (the collapse really hides it completely)
It does not quite work for me, though, some references mixed up, but indeed the preview area is there;

@rafntor yes that's the same as #1552, which only happens with .eto.cs files when using .NET Standard 2.0. I still need to fix that one up. It appears to be working with .xaml files at least.

Yes, can confirm xaml working for me too. When I downgrade to Eto.Forms 2.4.1 and netstandard1.6 the reference-error changes ;

@rafntor great thanks for the additional test there, I'll try to get that resolved as well.

@rafntor yes that's the same as #1552, which only happens with .eto.cs files when using .NET Standard 2.0. I still need to fix that one up. It appears to be working with .xaml files at least.

Just to add; it happened as well when switching the main project file to .NET4.6.1 instead of .NET Standard x.x. Seems only 2 different references are double references.

Another observation today; on my Ubuntu machine with MonoDevelop i do as well get a split screen when opening a .eto.cs file. Not sure how that works without the VSIX, however also these reference errors. Can check tomorrow which ones if it would help?

Last, i just tried to use the latest .VSIX referenced above. I have VS2019 installed however when i double click the VSIX installer i don't get past the accept.
How to find out what prerequisites I'm missing?


@ejongejans these are the prerequisites:

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 1 24 53 AM

Perhaps you need to update VS to the latest version? I'm not sure how to make it so it installs or shows the prerequisites when trying to install it..

Addin for the latest VS for Mac can be downloaded here.

Please give it a whirl!

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