Dracula-theme: Eclipse

Created on 18 Nov 2013  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: dracula/dracula-theme

Wouldn't it be nice to create a theme for Eclipse? Check it out http://eclipsecolorthemes.org/?view=firsttheme :)


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Reopening this because it's been requested once again and maybe someone would like to help putting an official version together 🙏

All 14 comments

That would be great, do you wanna create it?

Oh, someone took the Dracula name there =/


I can try, but I unfortunately could not find some corresponding colors :/

Let me know if are you interested in doing it @msmosso. Otherwise, I'll close the issue for now.

Feel free to close it, @zenorocha.

I know this is an old issue, but I'd love to have a color theme for eclipse. I see that there are some dracula themes on Eclipse Color Themes. Can we make an official one? What would we name it?

Reopening this because it's been requested once again and maybe someone would like to help putting an official version together 🙏

Seems like Eclipse Color Theme is down: https://www.reddit.com/r/eclipse/comments/f8rv55/eclipse_color_theme_is_down_and_there_is_no

So I'm not sure if we can proceed with that. If you're looking at this message in the future and you'd like to see a Dracula theme for Eclipse, please create a theme and submit. You can find more info about how to contribute here: https://draculatheme.com/contribute

Hi guys,

I have been playing around a bit with what can be done regarding Eclipse.
Not the most knowledgeable with the software (assignments are marked in them).

Anyways, I found that the closest you can get to a full IDE theme is using the Darkest Dark from the Eclipse Marketplace.

This is what I was able to produce: https://github.com/scottzach1/dracula-theme-eclipse

Although still not perfect, let me know what you guys think :).

Cheers Zac.

Edit 1

I know this doesn't quite follow your normal contribution template. I wanted to know if this is would be be tidy enough before I would fill the template out and submit a pull request.

Also, I haven't checked how this performs under Eclipse in Windows and Mac.

Edit 2

Confirmed works in Linux + Windows. Would assume Mac would be the same then. 🙃

It looks great @scottzach1! I'd love to have this as an official theme.

Can you make some adjustments for the site?

  1. Add a INSTALL.md with instructions
  2. Use the same README.md pattern
  3. Rename screenshot to screenshot.png

Hi @zenorocha, made those changes and repo now follows the official template. I wasn't super sure what to do regarding the draculatheme.com hyperlinks. But I guessed what they might likely become.

Happy for it to be put up on the official repo. Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done / changed :).

Cheers Zac.

That's awesome @scottzach1! Great work 🎉

I just sent you an invitation to join the Dracula org, once you accept you can transfer the repository, and I'll handle the site part.

Lovely! The repo has now been transfered to dracula/eclipse :)

It's live! https://draculatheme.com/eclipse 🎉 🎉 🎉

Thanks @scottzach1, I can't believe we're going to close an issue from Nov 18, 2013 lol

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