Firebase-tools: Firebase serve: Error: Server Error. connect ETIMEDOUT

Created on 6 Jul 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: firebase/firebase-tools

I am using Firebase CLI to develop a web app, and I have to use Shadowsocks as a proxy.

After luckily resolving the "Authentication error", finally I can assign project with "firebase use --add".

However, if I want to start a local server with "firebase serve", I got this error in my laptop:

C:\Users\Symbolk\Desktop\CrowdJigsawPuzzle>firebase serve
=== Serving from 'C:\Users\Symbolk\Desktop\CrowdJigsawPuzzle'...
Error: Server Error. connect ETIMEDOUT

But it works well in my PC, so I wonder how to resolve it.

Most helpful comment

For me, this goes away by updating firebase tools and logging in again. Run
npm install -g firebase-tools then,
firebase logout then,
firebase login.

Now try deploying,
firebase deploy

All 3 comments

Can also confirm above error, but to a different IP address, presumbly a closer server.

Duplicate of #155

For me, this goes away by updating firebase tools and logging in again. Run
npm install -g firebase-tools then,
firebase logout then,
firebase login.

Now try deploying,
firebase deploy

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