Flutter-geolocator: distanceBetween function doesn't show in geolocator 6.0.0+1

Created on 31 Aug 2020  ·  5Comments  ·  Source: Baseflow/flutter-geolocator

Hi, I can't find how to call the distanceBetween function, even the readme example doesn't work in a sample proyect

I check the package files, and the problem is that geolocator.dart doesn't have any call to distanceBetween function of GeolocatorPlatformInterface

Version: 6.0.0+1


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Hi @hectorAguero, these are static methods defined in the GeolocatorPlatform class and therefore can be accessed as follows:

final distance = GeolocatorPlatform.distanceBetween();

I will make sure I will update the documentation to reflect this.

All 5 comments

Hi @hectorAguero, these are static methods defined in the GeolocatorPlatform class and therefore can be accessed as follows:

final distance = GeolocatorPlatform.distanceBetween();

I will make sure I will update the documentation to reflect this.

Thank you i too faced the same issue.

@mvanbeusekom solution doesn't work in 6.0.0+2, now I need to call the instance, documentation isn't updated

final distance =  GeolocatorPlatform.instance.distanceBetween();

I don't think this is the better aproach, because to call other geolocator functions only need to write the function name.

@hectorAguero you are completely right, I have released 6.0.0+2 a bit to quickly.

My intent was to make the distanceBetween and bearingBetween instance methods (which I did) and make global function overrides for them (so you can call them easily like all other methods, and also have support for overriding their implementation if needed). This last part I forgot to implement when I got a bit disturbed from other work coming through.

I will release a fix (and updated documentation) for this in a few minutes. So you can easily call them like this:

final distance = distanceBetween(56.9, 6.4, 54.3, 6.3);

Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks a lot for the feedback.

@hectorAguero, I have just released the latest version (6.0.0+3) where I implemented the changes above (b.t.w. you can still use the GeolocatorPlatform.instance.distanceBetween method, but there is now also a shorthand method available using simply distanceBetween.

I have added unit-test and updated the documentation to make sure there will not be any confusion anymore in the future. Thanks again for reporting the issue and providing the detailed feedback.

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