Font-awesome: Icon Request: fa-keybase

Created on 8 Aug 2014  ·  100Comments  ·  Source: FortAwesome/Font-Awesome

I would like an icon for

Thank you.

brand icon released

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I gave it another thought and, well… maybe there is no reason to have this icon… itself uses Font Awesome and, in particular, they use fa-key to show the user’s public key in the profile. I feel that fa-key is a pretty good fit in this case and right now I use it on my website next to a link to my Keybase profile and it gives visitors a hint that this has something to do with keys. While their logo (strange animal with sunglasses) says nothing to those who see it.

That's definitely a fair assessment, maybe keep this open incase they go through a brand makeover and it can be redone so it's not a strange animal anymore and more recognizable.

As the OP, I agree. I think brand logos are OK when they are widely
recognised (e.g. octocat) but the keybase mole (?) is too obscure. I've
been using fa-key & will happily continue to do so until something better

On 17 March 2015 at 07:07, Jacob Young [email protected] wrote:

That's definitely a fair assessment, maybe keep this open incase they go
through a brand makeover and it can be redone so it's not a strange animal
anymore and more recognizable.

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Sadly, I would have to agree with @kirelagin and @Synesso on the fact that the _current_ brand and logo doesn't not fit, into the FA iconset, and is not widely recognised. fa-key is a very useble alternative.

:+1: +1 Anyhow.






+1 I'd hope it happens someday but if not, it would be lovely to have a reason being explained.




Yeah that could be awesome if we could have one +1 .









+1, although...

An update on this: we've begun working on mobile and desktop apps that do some pretty neat stuff, and in a few months when we start shifting to the graphic design / branding aspect of it (which really has to come last), there's a good chance we'll be changing our logo.

So I'm hesitant now to push for any official social icon for us. What we design will be sensitive to that use case. We'd love for something recognizable to work for font awes.

— the referenced Keybase issue (June 2015)








Personally, it would be easier to understand if we used the Keybase logo. I can understand the point of keeping it as slim as we can, but if you ask me, going with the logo can keep things well organised.


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On 13 Aug 2016 22:08, "Wang Qiru" [email protected] wrote:


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When guys? More than two years have passed!

@martyanov - please don't ask for ETAs, especially not on threads with as many subscribers as this one. Keybase still haven't released a new logo, and fa-key is much more easily recognisable than their current mole(?) - if a new Keybase logo gets made, I'm sure there'll be an icon for it, but there's really no way to have a monochrome icon that looks anything like the current Keybase logo and fits with the rest of the FA icons, and very few people would recognise it anyway.

@anowlcalledjosh - great thanks for the clarifications!

I'm sorry, but the people are subscribed for a reason. If there is no room for discussions then what is the purpose of the issues tracker? Is there a better place where we can get status updates, like the one you have provided?

P.S. fa-key, IMO, looks ugly.

@martyanov - there's plenty of room for discussion. What there isn't room for, and what people are not subscribed for, is email notifications to over 50 people about the fact that you, along with said 50 other people, would like an icon to be made - it won't make anything happen any faster, especially when the bottleneck is Keybase.

The purpose of the issue tracker is to track "icon requests, bug reports, or feature requests". I assume that if any progress is made on the icon, someone'll comment on this issue.




Please use the thumbs up to show agreement. Everyone just got a useless
email with your comment.


Now I have thought about it though @kirelagin is probably right, the mole is pretty obscure so think I'll just use fa-key too



I've created an issue for this in Font Awesome 5 / Pro as well:






The new icon actually looks pretty nice, and would make a good addition to fa


The new logo is out, and can be found in a vector format over here:

(removed link to site, as could be construed as advertising the site.)

We've actually gone ahead and implemented the silhouette on our site next to the twitter and facebook social icons.

It definitely looks nice. :-D

Had to make our own svg and use CSS to make it turn green just like the FB and twitter icons.

(scroll to the bottom, it's on the right side)

+1 please add.... request for over 2 yrs now...




Repeating this, since it's been buried:

Please use the thumbs up to show agreement. Everyone just got a useless
email with your comment.

+1 would be awsome if added

Another vote for icon. How hard could it be to add? There are hundreds of replies in here.

Repeating this, since it's been buried:

Also - Please use the thumbs up to show agreement. Everyone just got a useless
email with your comment.






@dabura667 Made a vector graphic of the icon:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 71 76.3" style="enable-background:new 0 0 71 76.3;" xml:space="preserve"><style type="text/css">.st0{fill:#999999;}</style><g transform="translate(-241.11756,-377.8123)"><path class="st0" d="M247.8,451.8c-0.6-1.3-1.4-3.1-1.8-4l-0.6-1.7l-2,2.2l-2,2.2 l-0.2-4.2c-0.3-6,0.2-12.2,1.2-16.6c2.3-9.8,9.5-18.7,18.8-23.4l2.1-1l-0.5-1.5c-0.3-0.8-0.6-2.5-0.7-3.6l-0.2-2.1l-2.1-0.2 c-3.2-0.3-4.9-1.2-6-3.5c-0.6-1.2-0.6-1.4-0.4-4.6c0.2-4.2,0.5-5.1,1.8-6.5c1.6-1.8,2.7-2.1,6.7-1.9c2.9,0.2,3.5,0.3,4.8,0.9 c0.8,0.4,1.5,0.8,1.6,0.8c0.1,0,1-1.1,2.1-2.6l1.9-2.7l1.2,0.7c0.7,0.4,1.5,0.9,1.9,1.1l0.7,0.4l-0.6,1.5c-0.3,0.8-0.7,2.2-0.8,2.9 l-0.2,1.4l1.7,0.2c6.1,0.6,10.7,4.3,12.4,9.9c0.5,1.8,0.5,5.3,0,7c-0.5,1.6-0.5,1.7-0.1,1.7c0.7,0,5.4,2.3,7.3,3.5 c3.7,2.4,8,6.6,10.4,10.2c4.5,6.7,6.4,14,5.6,22c-0.4,4.8-1.3,8.6-2.9,12.3l-0.6,1.4l-2.5,0l-2.5,0l1.2-2.4 c1.3-2.6,2.3-6.2,2.8-9.4c0.3-2.2,0.4-8.2,0.1-9.3l-0.2-0.7l-1.3,1.4c-3.2,3.5-7.9,4.5-14.2,2.8c-5.4-1.4-7.6-1.7-12.7-1.7 c-3.9,0-5.2,0.1-7.3,0.6c-5.8,1.3-9.9,3.2-15.6,7.3c-2.1,1.5-3.8,2.7-3.9,2.7c-0.1,0,0.2-1,0.6-2.3c0.4-1.3,1.1-3.4,1.5-4.8 l0.8-2.5l-0.9,0.9c-0.5,0.5-1.9,1.9-3.1,3.2l-2.1,2.3l0.5,1.9c0.6,2.5,2,5.6,3.5,7.9c0.6,1,1.1,1.8,1.1,1.9s-1.2,0.1-2.6,0.1h-2.6 L247.8,451.8L247.8,451.8z M256.6,427.6c4.8-5.1,8.7-9.2,8.8-9.2c0.1,0.1-0.4,1.6-0.9,3.3c-3.3,10.4-4,12.4-3.9,12.5 c0,0,1.2-0.4,2.5-0.9c8.5-3.7,18.4-4.2,28.9-1.4c4.7,1.2,6.5,1.2,8.8,0c1.3-0.7,1.8-1.1,2.4-2.1c1.1-1.7,1.2-4.1,0.5-6.3 c-1.7-4.8-8.3-11-14.5-13.7c-3.2-1.4-3.4-1.4-4.1-0.7l-0.6,0.6l2.6,3.2c1.4,1.7,2.9,3.6,3.1,4.1c0.6,1.2,0.7,3.1,0.1,4.3 c-0.8,1.7-3.2,2.9-5.1,2.5c-0.8-0.2-1.1-0.1-1.9,0.5c-2.2,1.6-4.6,1.2-6.6-1.2c-1.6-1.8-2-2.7-2.1-4.5c0-0.9-0.3-2-0.5-2.4 c-0.3-0.6-0.4-1.3-0.4-2.2l0.1-1.4l-1.3-0.3c-1.8-0.5-3.9-1.5-5.1-2.4c-0.6-0.4-1.1-0.8-1.3-0.8s-1.5,0.6-2.9,1.3 c-9.7,5-16,14.3-17,24.8c-0.1,1-0.2,2.3-0.3,2.8l-0.1,0.9l1.1-1.1C247.4,437.3,251.8,432.7,256.6,427.6L256.6,427.6z M282.5,420.2 c0.9-0.7,1.7-1.3,1.9-1.3c0.1,0,0.4,0.3,0.7,0.7c0.5,0.8,1.4,0.8,1.8,0.1c0.3-0.5,0.3-0.6-5.6-7.8c-3.5-4.3-4.2-5-4.7-5 c-1.2,0.1-0.9,1,1,3.3l1.8,2.2l-1,0.8c-1.1,1-1.2,1.2-0.5,1.8c0.5,0.5,0.6,0.4,1.6-0.3l1.1-0.7l0.7,0.6c0.4,0.3,0.6,0.8,0.6,0.9 c0,0.2-0.8,0.9-1.7,1.7c-0.9,0.7-1.6,1.5-1.6,1.7c0,0.3,0.5,1.1,1.4,2.2C280.3,421.7,280.8,421.5,282.5,420.2L282.5,420.2z  M272.2,406c0.6-1.8,2.6-3.2,4.6-3.2c1.1,0,2.7,0.9,3.8,2.1l1,1.2l0.9-1.1c2.5-2.8,2.8-6.7,0.8-10.1c-1.5-2.5-4.3-4-8.2-4.4 c-2.1-0.2-2.6-0.4-3.7-1.5l-0.8-0.8l-0.4,0.6c-0.8,1.2-2.5,5.1-3,6.6c-0.7,2.3-0.4,5.9,0.5,7.7c0.9,1.7,3.3,4,4,3.7 C271.8,406.9,272,406.5,272.2,406L272.2,406z M263.3,392.4c0.2-0.5,0.7-1.8,1.2-2.8c0.5-1,0.9-2,0.9-2.3c0-0.9-1-1.3-3.7-1.5 c-2.4-0.2-2.6-0.1-3.1,0.4c-0.4,0.4-0.6,0.9-0.6,1.6c0,0.6-0.1,1.7-0.2,2.6c-0.2,2.1,0.1,2.5,2.2,2.8 C263.1,393.4,263,393.4,263.3,392.4z M260.2,390c0-1.7,0.2-1.9,1.6-1.9h1.3v1.4v1.4h-1.4h-1.4V390z M266.5,448.3 c-0.6-0.6-0.8-1-0.8-2c0-1.9,1.1-3,2.9-3c1.7,0,2.9,1.2,2.9,2.9c0,1.8-1.1,2.8-3,2.9C267.5,449.1,267.1,448.9,266.5,448.3 L266.5,448.3z M285.8,448.6c-2.3-1.8-1.1-5.3,1.8-5.3c1.8,0,2.8,1.1,2.9,3c0,1.1-0.1,1.4-0.8,2s-1,0.8-2,0.8 C286.8,449.1,286.2,448.9,285.8,448.6L285.8,448.6z"/></g></svg>

@junderw do you have to source for your icon?


@tarpdalton I used that same SVG from dabura667.

i added hight and weight parameters to dabura667's svg to easly adjust its size
viewBox="0 0 71 76.3" to height="32" viewBox="0 0 71 76.3" width="32"
and i changed its fill to the same colors of the others [#3F51B5]

screenshot from 2017-11-25 09 17 39



I was gonna put together a PR, but saw this in

At the moment we are not accepting pull requests containing icons

Is that still the case? @davegandy

For those interested, the Keybase icon has been added to this fork.
You can see it in action here

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