Font-awesome: Icon request: pix

Created on 18 Nov 2020  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: FortAwesome/Font-Awesome

What can it be used for?
Pix is a brand new payment system created by the Central Bank of Brazil that supports instant 24/7 transfers and payments. It's planned to be the main payment method in Brazil and is already being used by all Brazilian bank institutions and a lot of fintechs. Additional info is available in this article and in the official Central Bank website. This may be as essential as money bill, credit card or money check icons in Brazil.

Example image (optional)
image image image

The Pix brand book may also be helpful.

Icon request checklist

  • [x] This is a single icon or matched pair (Ex: lock / unlock)
  • [x] The title starts with "Icon request: " and is followed by the requested icon name (Ex: Icon request: magical-unicorn)
  • [x] I have searched for existing issues and to the best of my knowledge this is not a duplicate
  • [x] I have included at least one example image if it could be helpful (optional)
  • [x] The request is for a concrete object (it's harder to make an icon to represent happiness, it's easier to make a smiley face. ☺)
brand icon payment (category)

Most helpful comment

| Solid symbol | Solid symbol | 1.09 kb |
|--- |------- |--------- |

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="">
  <g fill="#4BB8A9" fill-rule="evenodd">
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| Solid symbol | Outline symbol | 1.92 kb |
|--- |------- |--------- |

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="">
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Both files were extracted from official brand book, resized to 512x512 and optimized with SVGO.

All 13 comments

| Solid symbol | Solid symbol | 1.09 kb |
|--- |------- |--------- |

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="">
  <g fill="#4BB8A9" fill-rule="evenodd">
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| Solid symbol | Outline symbol | 1.92 kb |
|--- |------- |--------- |

<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" xmlns="">
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Both files were extracted from official brand book, resized to 512x512 and optimized with SVGO.

I hope this get merged, gonna be really helpfull

Really important!!!

I never saw so many reactions in a post here in github. But it makes sense as this is really important for people in Brazil.

It would be really great for Brazilian developers! Or developers that want to use this payment method in Brazil

It's quite important! Waiting for it.


Thanks for your enthusiasm for this request

Please remember that you should only use reactions to upvote, comment will spam people subscribed to this request

Boa! Estou aguardando para usar também! Parabéns pela iniciativa.

So cool S2 great job o/

Great ideia !

Waiting for it! ❤

🇧🇷 Ei pessoal, estamos todos muito entusiasmados com o Pix e com certeza a adição do símbolo ao Font Awesome vai ser algo muito apreciado por nós brasileiros.

Mas ao comentar aqui todos que participam da thread são notificados e isso acaba sendo bem chato – além de tirar o foco de possíveis discussões que possam _realmente_ agregar valor quando essa demanda começar a ser executada.

→ Para incentivar o pessoal do Font Awesome basta dar um _JOINHA_ lá na primeira mensagem 👍

Não é necessário adicionar um novo comentário.

I hope it'll be merged sooner!

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