Aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP Boucle de reconnexion infinie

Créé le 4 mai 2021  ·  8Commentaires  ·  Source: aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2

Confirmez en remplaçant [ ] par [x] ci-dessous pour vous assurer qu'il s'agit d'un bogue :

Problème connu

  • [x] J'utilise un point de terminaison de type de données ATS : le point de terminaison doit ressembler à <prefix>-ats.iot.<region>

Salut l'équipe AWS,

nous sommes un peu coincés avec un problème critique auquel nous sommes confrontés avec le SDK depuis 2 jours (détails ci-dessous).

Décrivez le bogue
Arrêt du canal TLS par le planificateur de tâches immédiatement après la résolution de l'hôte, ce qui entraîne une boucle infinie RECONNECTING <> AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP (mange beaucoup de données !!).
La connexion SDK au point de terminaison n'est jamais établie. Ouverture et fermeture de sessions TLS à un rythme très rapide provoquant une énorme explosion de l'utilisation des données (nous avons reçu plusieurs centaines de dollars de facture d'itinérance de données sur un appareil de terrain en raison du problème soudain).

Numéro de version du SDK
Testé avec 1.5.12 & 1.5.14 et aws-crt correspondant dans chaque cas

Appareil Armhf (Cortex-A7)
Conteneur Docker basé sur Ubuntu 20.04

Reproduire (comportement observé)

Une utilisation standard du SDK a été observée et l'appareil fonctionnait pendant 10 jours avant que la boucle de reconnexion ne se produise. Après cela, l'appareil n'a jamais pu se reconnecter correctement à notre point de terminaison et la boucle de reconnexion serait toujours présente. Comportement modifié le 30.04.2021 après 10 jours de fonctionnement normal (connexions & publication toutes les 3 minutes). Les certificats et l'autorité de certification n'ont pas expiré et l'enregistrement renouvelé de l'appareil sous un nouveau certificat n'a pas aidé. La mise à jour du SDK 1.5.12 vers 1.15.14 n'a pas aidé non plus.


    # setup AWS connection
    io.init_logging(io.LogLevel.Debug, 'stderr')
    event_loop_group = io.EventLoopGroup(1)
    host_resolver = io.DefaultHostResolver(event_loop_group)
    client_bootstrap = io.ClientBootstrap(event_loop_group, host_resolver)

    client_id = "auto-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
    aws_mqtt = mqtt_connection_builder.mtls_from_path(
        cert_filepath="%s/device.crt" % (args.provision_location),
        pri_key_filepath="%s/device.key" % (args.provision_location),
        ca_filepath="%s/AmazonRootCA1.pem" % (args.cert_location),

Comportement prévisible

Pas de raccrochage inattendu. Et pas de boucle de reconnexion infinie.


L'utilisation du réseau a entraîné une utilisation des données SIM de plusieurs Go sur un appareil d'itinérance déployé (16 Go). Voici l'utilisation des données réseau lors d'une tentative de connexion basée sur eth0 :

Trace de niveau de débogage

[?2004l[?1l>[?25h[>4;m[?1049l[23;0;0t]0;root@aeler-imx7ulpea-ucom: /root@aeler-imx7ulpea-ucom:/# pyu thon3 - 
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:48.925804] AWS Topic: /d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103

aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:48.952523] [mc] connecting to localhost on port 1883
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:49.104120] [mc] connect rc: 0
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Initializing edge-triggered epoll
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Using eventfd for cross-thread notifications.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Starting event-loop thread.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Initializing default host resolver with 16 max host entries.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: Initializing client bootstrap with event-loop group 0x16eddb0
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b51fe460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: main loop started
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b51fe460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: default timeout 100000, and max events to process per tick 100
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: Certificate and key have been set, setting them up now.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: cannot enable ocsp stapling: OCSP stapling was requested, but is not supported
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: Setting ALPN list x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - client=0x17347e8: Initalizing MQTT client
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Creating new connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-topic-tree] - tree=0x163db24: Creating new topic tree
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:53.308811] checking internet connection.
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:53.734491] [aws] Connecting to <my_endpoint> as auto-2C288BE4-A555-4653-92D8-A632727D5B1C ...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Begin connecting process, switch state to CONNECTING.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: using ping timeout of 3000000000 ns
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: No cached entries found for <my_endpoint> starting new resolver thread.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, invoking resolution callback for host <my_endpoint> with 2 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804c88: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804c88: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804de0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804de0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803a48: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2076022788913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805628: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804ef8: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805628: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804ef8: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: no message pool is currently stored in the event-loop local storage, adding 0xb4805c40 with max message size 16384, message count 4, with 4 small blocks of 128 bytes.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb4817418: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2081199692246
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349a0: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2074947672913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 0 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2102147419913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:56.689408] checking internet connection.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:57.606042] [aws] Publishing message to topic '/d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806950: Scheduling schedule_cross_thread_tasks task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806950: Running schedule_cross_thread_tasks task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b6314460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Starting publish 1 to topic /d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103

[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349a0: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb4817418 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2075467825247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4817478: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4817478: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb4817418 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:58.359515] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: cached entries found for <my_endpoint> returning to caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4834048: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48338c0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: destroying channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: releasing bootstrap reference
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4834048: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48338c0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804268: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2080568943914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482bd18: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4801cc8: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482bd18: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4801cc8: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: message pool 0xb4805c40 found in event-loop local storage: using it.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb482ec00: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2085748031247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803a48: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48353c8: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2079454727914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 2 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Scheduling mqtt_outgoing_request_task task for immediate execution
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:59.568730] [aws] Connection resumed. return_code: ConnectReturnCode.ACCEPTED session_present: True
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2106715588247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Running mqtt_outgoing_request_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482ec00 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2077377824580
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b970: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482ec60: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b970: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482ec60: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482ec00 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48353c8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48353c8: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:00.265671] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: cached entries found for <my_endpoint> returning to caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482fc00: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482f5e0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: destroying channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: releasing bootstrap reference
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482fc00: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482f5e0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803ea8: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2082467830580
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4835560: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4835560: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: message pool 0xb4805c40 found in event-loop local storage: using it.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb482b660: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2087638712914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482d770: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2081369652914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:01.464140] [aws] Connection resumed. return_code: ConnectReturnCode.ACCEPTED session_present: True
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 2 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Scheduling mqtt_outgoing_request_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2108610288247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Running mqtt_outgoing_request_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482b660 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2079278874581
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349b0: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b6c0: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349b0: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b6c0: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482b660 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb482d770
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482d770: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:02.177324] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

Contexte supplémentaire

Tentatives de résolution : modifiez les paramètres du constructeur mqtt, enregistrez l'appareil avec un certificat différent

L'appareil est automatiquement enregistré via le processus JITP et en attachant la politique JTIP_PubSub qui suit :


Commentaire le plus utile

+1 - nous le constatons sur environ 4% des appareils sur le terrain

Nous utilisons Ubuntu 18.04 sur des appareils arm64 avec awsiotsdk=1.5.11 et awscrt=0.11.8

Tous les 8 commentaires


Pour un peu plus de contexte :
un autre appareil avec exactement la même construction et la même configuration se connecte bien. L'autre ne l'est toujours pas. Je me demande si nous atteignons peut-être un quota de taille de publication ou quelque chose du genre. Toujours en train d'enquêter... Dans ce cas, je m'attendrais à une erreur cependant.

+1 - nous le constatons sur environ 4% des appareils sur le terrain

Nous utilisons Ubuntu 18.04 sur des appareils arm64 avec awsiotsdk=1.5.11 et awscrt=0.11.8

un autre appareil avec exactement la même construction et la même configuration se connecte bien. L'autre ne l'est toujours pas.

Chaque appareil se connecte avec un identifiant client unique, n'est-ce pas ?

Si un deuxième appareil se connecte avec le même identifiant client, le serveur acceptera cette nouvelle connexion et supprimera l'ancienne connexion. Cela entraînera la reconnexion du premier appareil, ce qui lancera le deuxième appareil, de sorte que le deuxième appareil se reconnectera, ce qui lancera le premier appareil, etc.

Le "client-id" dont je parle est l'argument client_id passé aux fonctions mqtt_connection_builder , ou à la classe awscrt.mqtt.Connection

En outre, WOW qui craint la boucle de reconnexion rapide aspirant des Go de données.

Notre implémentation essaie d'utiliser un temporisateur d'interruption exponentiel lors de la reconnexion, mais une fois que la connexion est considérée comme « réussie », le temporisateur se réinitialise à zéro. Si quelque chose se produit pour arrêter la connexion immédiatement après sa réussite, l'appareil se reconnectera immédiatement car cette minuterie a été remise à zéro.

On dirait que nous pourrions vouloir attendre que la connexion reste "stable" pendant un certain temps avant de réinitialiser cette minuterie ...

Si le serveur déconnecte votre appareil, vous pouvez découvrir pourquoi. Voir Surveiller AWS IoT à l'aide de CloudWatch Logs

Salut @graebm
Merci pour les pointeurs

Malheureusement, le niveau INFO des journaux AWS n'est pas très utile ici :

Concernant l'unicité de l'identifiant client, il est généré à chaque démarrage de l'application à l'aide du python uuid4() du module uuid :
client_id = "auto-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()

Cela signifie que même si, parce que nous étions extrêmement malchanceux, nous avions des uuid en double, le problème ne devrait jamais survivre à un redémarrage de l'application qui utilisera un nouvel uuid client, n'est-ce pas ? Je vais plonger un peu dans cette possibilité.

Une autre chose que je considère est de savoir si nous atteignons une sorte de quota de taille de paquet de publication. Comme, lorsqu'un appareil est déconnecté en raison d'un problème de réseau, nous regroupons de nombreux paquets que nous avons publiés en un seul appel pour limiter l'utilisation globale des données. Nous essayons de limiter cette taille maximale de paquet maintenant, voyez si cela affecte le comportement. 128 Ko est la taille maximale.

La question est : existe-t-il des filtres liés aux quotas côté client SDK avant d'envoyer une requête ? (cela permettrait d'éviter beaucoup de paquets non conformes et d'obtenir des erreurs explicites qui facilitent le débogage en cas de mauvaise demande, avant de se connecter et de consommer des données réseau).

Donc le résultat est :

  • nous sérialisons les octets bruts d'une manière qui gonfle un peu la taille du paquet (nous utiliserons des paquets binaires plus tard)
  • lorsque la connexion est perdue, nous envoyons des paquets dans une liste groupée de tableaux d'octets (jusqu'à 1000 messages groupés)

Nous avons fait les calculs pour différents scénarios et nous avons dépassé le quota dans cette situation.
Nous avons limité le nombre maximum de messages regroupés dans un paquet et cela a fonctionné.
Cela s'est produit parce que l'appareil a perdu la connexion pendant un certain temps et que la journalisation de certaines alertes s'est produite, créant une rafale de données au-dessus de la limite de ce que le quota prend en charge.

À mon humble avis, le SDK doit vérifier les paquets pour les violations de quota définies et générer une erreur avant d'essayer de les envoyer pour faciliter le débogage de telles situations. Ici, la source n'était pas claire.

Vous devriez pouvoir reproduire la situation en publiant un paquet de taille > 128 Ko dans une boucle d'essai.

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