Aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP Loop rekoneksi tak terbatas

Dibuat pada 4 Mei 2021  ·  8Komentar  ·  Sumber: aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2

Konfirmasikan dengan mengubah [ ] menjadi [x] di bawah ini untuk memastikan bahwa itu adalah bug:

Masalah yang Diketahui

  • [x] Saya menggunakan titik akhir tipe data ATS: titik akhir akan terlihat seperti <prefix>-ats.iot.<region>

Hai tim AWS,

kami sedikit terjebak dengan masalah kritis yang kami hadapi dengan SDK sejak 2 hari (detail di bawah).

Jelaskan bugnya
Penutupan saluran TLS oleh penjadwal tugas segera setelah resolusi host menghasilkan RECONNECTING tak terbatas <> AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP loop (Memakan banyak data !!).
Koneksi SDK ke titik akhir tidak pernah dibuat. Pembukaan dan penutupan sesi TLS dengan sangat cepat menyebabkan ledakan penggunaan data yang luar biasa (kami mendapat beberapa ratus $ tagihan roaming data pada perangkat lapangan karena masalah yang tiba-tiba).

Nomor versi SDK
Diuji dengan 1.5.12 & 1.5.14 dan mencocokkan aws-crt di setiap kasus

Perangkat Armhf (Cortex-A7)
Wadah buruh pelabuhan berdasarkan ubuntu 20.04

Mereproduksi (perilaku yang diamati)

Penggunaan standar SDK diamati dan perangkat berjalan selama 10 hari sebelum loop rekoneksi terjadi. Setelah itu, perangkat tidak pernah dapat terhubung kembali dengan benar ke titik akhir kami dan loop koneksi ulang akan selalu ada. Perilaku berubah pada 30.04.2021 setelah 10 hari operasi normal (koneksi & publikasikan setiap 3 menit). Sertifikat & CA tidak kedaluwarsa dan pendaftaran perangkat yang diperbarui di bawah sertifikat baru tidak membantu. Pembaruan dari SDK 1.5.12 ke 1.15.14 juga tidak membantu.


    # setup AWS connection
    io.init_logging(io.LogLevel.Debug, 'stderr')
    event_loop_group = io.EventLoopGroup(1)
    host_resolver = io.DefaultHostResolver(event_loop_group)
    client_bootstrap = io.ClientBootstrap(event_loop_group, host_resolver)

    client_id = "auto-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()
    aws_mqtt = mqtt_connection_builder.mtls_from_path(
        cert_filepath="%s/device.crt" % (args.provision_location),
        pri_key_filepath="%s/device.key" % (args.provision_location),
        ca_filepath="%s/AmazonRootCA1.pem" % (args.cert_location),

Perilaku yang diharapkan

Tidak ada hangup yang tidak terduga. Dan tidak ada loop rekoneksi tak terbatas.


Penggunaan jaringan menyebabkan penggunaan data SIM beberapa GB pada perangkat roaming yang diterapkan (16GB). Berikut adalah penggunaan data jaringan pada upaya koneksi berbasis eth0:

Jejak level debug

[?2004l[?1l>[?25h[>4;m[?1049l[23;0;0t]0;root@aeler-imx7ulpea-ucom: /root@aeler-imx7ulpea-ucom:/# pyu thon3 - 
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:48.925804] AWS Topic: /d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103

aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:48.952523] [mc] connecting to localhost on port 1883
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:49.104120] [mc] connect rc: 0
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Initializing edge-triggered epoll
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Using eventfd for cross-thread notifications.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: Starting event-loop thread.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Initializing default host resolver with 16 max host entries.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b6f3f460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: Initializing client bootstrap with event-loop group 0x16eddb0
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b51fe460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: main loop started
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:50Z] [b51fe460] [event-loop] - id=0x1684fc8: default timeout 100000, and max events to process per tick 100
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: Certificate and key have been set, setting them up now.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: cannot enable ocsp stapling: OCSP stapling was requested, but is not supported
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [tls-handler] - ctx: Setting ALPN list x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - client=0x17347e8: Initalizing MQTT client
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Creating new connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-topic-tree] - tree=0x163db24: Creating new topic tree
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:53.308811] checking internet connection.
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:53.734491] [aws] Connecting to <my_endpoint> as auto-2C288BE4-A555-4653-92D8-A632727D5B1C ...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Begin connecting process, switch state to CONNECTING.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: using ping timeout of 3000000000 ns
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b6f3f460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: No cached entries found for <my_endpoint> starting new resolver thread.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: new address resolved 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950 for host <my_endpoint> caching
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, invoking resolution callback for host <my_endpoint> with 2 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804c88: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804c88: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981 for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804de0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804de0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:53Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803a48: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2076022788913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805628: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804ef8: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805628: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804ef8: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: no message pool is currently stored in the event-loop local storage, adding 0xb4805c40 with max message size 16384, message count 4, with 4 small blocks of 128 bytes.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb4817418: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2081199692246
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349a0: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2074947672913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:54Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 0 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2102147419913
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:55Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:56.689408] checking internet connection.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:56Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:57.606042] [aws] Publishing message to topic '/d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806950: Scheduling schedule_cross_thread_tasks task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806950: Running schedule_cross_thread_tasks task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b6314460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Starting publish 1 to topic /d/22f66ba6f37b3ede6115c86389e530eb1d408103

[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349a0: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:57Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb4817418 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2075467825247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4817478: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4817478: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb4817418 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:58.359515] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: cached entries found for <my_endpoint> returning to caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4834048: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48338c0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: destroying channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: releasing bootstrap reference
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4834048: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48338c0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4804268: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2080568943914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482bd18: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4801cc8: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482bd18: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4801cc8: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: message pool 0xb4805c40 found in event-loop local storage: using it.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb482ec00: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2085748031247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:58Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803a48: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48353c8: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2079454727914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 2 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Scheduling mqtt_outgoing_request_task task for immediate execution
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:53:59.568730] [aws] Connection resumed. return_code: ConnectReturnCode.ACCEPTED session_present: True
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2106715588247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Running mqtt_outgoing_request_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:53:59Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482ec00 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2077377824580
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b970: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482ec60: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b970: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482ec60: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482ec00 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48353c8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48353c8: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:00.265671] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: Host resolution requested for <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: cached entries found for <my_endpoint> returning to caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482fc00: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482f5e0: Scheduling attempt_connection task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: destroying channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: releasing bootstrap reference
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482fc00: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 1 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507:443.
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connect failed with error code 101.
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - id=0x162d7a0: recording failure for record 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for <my_endpoint>, moving to bad list
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [dns] - static: purging address 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507 for host <my_endpoint> from the cache due to cache eviction or shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: is still open, closing...
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[ERROR] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: failed to create socket with error 1049
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482f5e0: Running attempt_connection task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: initializing with domain 0 and type 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setting socket options to: keep-alive 0, keep idle 0, keep-alive interval 0, keep-alive probe count 0.
[WARN] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: beginning connect.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connecting to endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4803ea8: Scheduling (null) task for future execution at time 2082467830580
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: connection success
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: local endpoint
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: assigning to event loop 0x1684fc8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: client connection on socket 0xb4805118 completed with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: Beginning creation and setup of new channel.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4835560: Scheduling on_channel_setup_complete task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805680: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4835560: Running on_channel_setup_complete task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: setup complete, notifying caller.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: message pool 0xb4805c40 found in event-loop local storage: using it.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 setup succeeded: bootstrapping.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [socket-handler] - id=0xb482b660: Socket handler created with max_read_size of 16384
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Scheduling tls_timeout task for future execution at time 2087638712914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:00Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolving host <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alpn protocol negotiated as x-amzn-mqtt-ca
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Remote server name is <my_endpoint>
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: tls negotiation result 0 on channel 0xb4806838
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection successfully opened, sending CONNECT packet
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482d770: Scheduling mqtt_connack_timeout task for future execution at time 2081369652914
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Adding username ?SDK=PythonV2&Version=dev to connection
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record:
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:f981
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3417:2507
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::23ad:4123
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::22cd:842b
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3db:a390
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::34c8:5c29
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::36a3:c4c1
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static: resolved record: 2406:da00:ff00::3e1:b950
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b467f460] [dns] - static, resolving host <my_endpoint> successful, returned 16 addresses
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:01.464140] [aws] Connection resumed. return_code: ConnectReturnCode.ACCEPTED session_present: True
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was accepted, switch state from 2 to CONNECTED.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Scheduling mqtt_outgoing_request_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Scheduling mqtt_ping task for future execution at time 2108610288247
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x1715368: Running mqtt_outgoing_request_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:01Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Alert code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Scheduling channel_shutdown task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806978: Running channel_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: beginning shutdown process
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482b660 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Shutting down read direction with error code 0
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in read dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[INFO] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: sending disconnect message as part of graceful shutdown.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: failed to send courteous disconnect io message
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0x163d9cc shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Scheduling delayed write direction shutdown
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Scheduling s2n_delayed_shutdown task for future execution at time 2079278874581
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48176e0: Running s2n_delayed_shutdown task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [tls-handler] - id=0xb48175d0: Delayed shut down in write direction
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Scheduling socket_written_task task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb48175d0 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [socket] - id=0xb4805118 fd=10: closing
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349b0: Scheduling epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4805260: Running socket_written_task task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b6c0: Scheduling socket_handler_close task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48349b0: Running epoll_event_loop_unsubscribe_cleanup task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482b6c0: Running socket_handler_close task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: handler 0xb482b660 shutdown in write dir completed.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Scheduling (null) task for immediate execution
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb4806850: Running (null) task with <Running> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb48175e8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb48175e8: Running tls_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0xb482d770
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0xb482d770: Running mqtt_connack_timeout task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel] - id=0xb4806838: during shutdown, canceling task 0x163dac8
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [task-scheduler] - id=0x163dac8: Running mqtt_ping task with <Canceled> status
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [channel-bootstrap] - id=0x164f998: channel 0xb4806838 shutdown with error 0.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: connection was unexpected interrupted, switch state to RECONNECTING.
[DEBUG] [2021-05-04T13:54:02Z] [b51fe460] [mqtt-client] - id=0x163d9b8: Connection interrupted, calling callback and attempting reconnect
aws-iotsdk> [2021-05-04 13:54:02.177324] [aws] Connection interrupted. error: AWS_ERROR_MQTT_UNEXPECTED_HANGUP: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

Konteks tambahan

Upaya resolusi: ubah parameter pembuat mqtt, daftarkan perangkat dengan sertifikat yang berbeda

Perangkat secara otomatis terdaftar melalui proses JITP dan melampirkan kebijakan JTIP_PubSub sebagai berikut:


Komentar yang paling membantu

+1 - kami melihat ini di sekitar 4% perangkat di lapangan

Kami menggunakan Ubuntu 18.04 pada perangkat arm64 dengan awsiotsdk=1.5.11 dan awscrt=0.11.8

Semua 8 komentar


Untuk sedikit lebih banyak konteks:
perangkat lain dengan build dan konfigurasi yang sama persis terhubung dengan baik. Yang lain masih tidak. Saya ingin tahu apakah mungkin kita mencapai kuota ukuran publikasi atau semacamnya. Masih menyelidiki ... Dalam hal ini saya akan mengharapkan kesalahan.

+1 - kami melihat ini di sekitar 4% perangkat di lapangan

Kami menggunakan Ubuntu 18.04 pada perangkat arm64 dengan awsiotsdk=1.5.11 dan awscrt=0.11.8

perangkat lain dengan build dan konfigurasi yang sama persis terhubung dengan baik. Yang lain masih tidak.

Setiap perangkat terhubung dengan ID klien yang unik, bukan?

Jika perangkat kedua terhubung dengan ID klien yang sama, server akan menerima koneksi baru itu dan mematikan koneksi lama. Itu akan menghasilkan penyambungan kembali perangkat pertama, yang memulai perangkat kedua, sehingga perangkat kedua menghubungkan kembali yang memulai perangkat pertama, dll.

"ID klien" yang saya bicarakan adalah argumen client_id diteruskan ke fungsi mqtt_connection_builder , atau ke kelas awscrt.mqtt.Connection

Juga, WOW yang menyebalkan tentang loop reconnect cepat yang menyedot GB data.

Implementasi kami mencoba menggunakan timer backoff eksponensial selama koneksi ulang, tetapi setelah koneksi dianggap "berhasil", timer akan direset ke nol. Jika terjadi sesuatu yang mematikan koneksi segera setelah berhasil, perangkat akan segera terhubung kembali karena pengatur waktu itu telah dimatikan.

Sepertinya kita mungkin ingin menunggu koneksi tetap "stabil" selama beberapa waktu sebelum mengatur ulang pengatur waktu itu ...

Jika server memutuskan sambungan perangkat Anda, Anda dapat mengetahui alasannya. Lihat Memantau AWS IoT menggunakan CloudWatch Logs

Hai @graebm
Terima kasih atas petunjuknya

Sayangnya tingkat INFO dari AWS Logs tidak terlalu membantu di sini:

Mengenai keunikan id klien, itu dihasilkan pada setiap aplikasi mulai menggunakan python uuid4() dari modul uuid:
client_id = "auto-%s" % str(uuid.uuid4()).upper()

Ini berarti bahwa meskipun karena kami sangat tidak beruntung kami memiliki uuid duplikat, masalahnya tidak akan pernah bertahan dari restart aplikasi yang akan menggunakan uuid klien baru kan? Saya akan sedikit menyelami kemungkinan ini.

Hal lain yang saya pertimbangkan adalah apakah kita mencapai semacam kuota ukuran paket publish . Seperti, saat perangkat terputus karena masalah jaringan, kami menggabungkan banyak paket yang kami terbitkan dalam satu panggilan untuk membatasi penggunaan data secara keseluruhan. Kami mencoba membatasi ukuran bundel maksimum itu sekarang, lihat apakah itu memengaruhi perilaku. 128KB adalah ukuran maksimal.

Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah ada filter terkait kuota di sisi klien SDK sebelum mengirim permintaan? (itu akan mencegah banyak paket yang tidak sesuai dan mendapatkan kesalahan eksplisit yang memudahkan debugging jika ada permintaan yang buruk, sebelum menghubungkan dan memakan data jaringan apa pun).

Jadi intinya adalah:

  • kami membuat serial byte mentah dengan cara membuat ukuran paket sedikit membengkak (akan menggunakan paket biner nanti)
  • ketika koneksi terputus, kami mengirim paket dalam daftar byte array yang dikelompokkan (hingga 1000 pesan dikelompokkan)

Kami melakukan perhitungan untuk berbagai skenario dan kami melebihi kuota dalam situasi ini.
Kami membatasi jumlah maksimum pesan yang dibundel dalam satu paket dan berhasil.
Ini terjadi karena perangkat kehilangan koneksi untuk sementara waktu dan beberapa log peringatan terjadi, membuat ledakan data di atas batas yang didukung kuota.

IMHO, SDK harus memeriksa paket untuk pelanggaran kuota yang ditetapkan dan membuat kesalahan sebelum mencoba mengirimnya untuk memudahkan debugging situasi seperti itu. Di sini sumbernya tidak jelas.

Anda seharusnya dapat mereproduksi situasi dengan memublikasikan paket berukuran >128kB dalam loop percobaan.

Apakah halaman ini membantu?
0 / 5 - 0 peringkat

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