Freecodecamp: Typo in the instruction

Created on 17 Jan 2017  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp


Issue Description

There is a spelling mistake in the instruction given.

  • Here is the extract of the Instruction:

Set myName to a string equal to your name and build myStr with myName between the strings "My name is " and " and I am swell!"

  • Expected last word in the instruction: well
  • Actual last word in the instruction: swell

Here _well_ is expected instead of _swell_ because, the context is set in the starting of the code as:
```// Example
var ourName = "Free Code Camp";
var ourStr = "Hello, our name is " + ourName + ", how are you?";

// Only change code below this line
var myName;
var myStr;

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first timers only help wanted

Most helpful comment

I'll take it. 'Swell' is fine (I am kind of an American English Usage buff, and this is an important field in pedagogy!), but I'd like to claim this just so I can get the practice with contributing.

All 10 comments

Thanks for reporting that.

I think they meant it to be "swell" not well.
Urban Dictionary : swell => adj. Fantastic, great, wonderful, et.

adjective (NORTH AMERICAN) informal
excellent; very good.
"you're looking swell"

Thanks @arvind00.

@OFFLlNE agreed.

Although I believe a lot of campers are non-native English speakers. We might as well change this, while this is not a huge issue with the challenge itself.

/cc @freeCodeCamp/moderators worth changing? If yes, let's tag it first timers?

Thanks @OFFLlNE and @raisedadead .
I should have referred a dictionary, before posting it.
So, shall I keep the issue open or close it?

Feels like bike-shedding to me, but if it looks like a typo to a lot of people, then I'm fine with a first-timer PR for it.

If not for the sake of promoting easy contributions, then just so that non-natives won't be confused (which increases friction and makes their learning more difficult).

I'll take it. 'Swell' is fine (I am kind of an American English Usage buff, and this is an important field in pedagogy!), but I'd like to claim this just so I can get the practice with contributing.

@TheeMattOliver that's swell! PR away 😃

Thanks @everyone. Closing the issue.

@arvind00 do not close the issue, this will be closed with a pull request (PR).

@raisedadead ok

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