Fresco: How to set loopcount for AnimatedImage after v1.4.0?

Created on 11 Aug 2017  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: facebook/fresco

Now I aim to play a gif image 5 time.
And I found there is a method getLoopCount for get the number of loops for a animatedImage,
but the question is I don't know how to dynamic set loopCount.
Waiting for your help.


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Ideally, your GIF would be properly formatted and have the loop count set to N.

Otherwise, you can create a modifying backend, something like this:

public class LoopCountModifyingBackend extends AnimationBackendDelegate {

  private int mLoopCount;

  public LoopCountModifyingBackend(
      @Nullable AnimationBackend animationBackend,
      int loopCount) {
    mLoopCount = loopCount;

  public int getLoopCount() {
    return mLoopCount;

and then set it to your animated drawable:

final DraweeController controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder()
    .setControllerListener(new BaseControllerListener<ImageInfo>() {
      public void onFinalImageSet(
          String id,
          @Nullable ImageInfo imageInfo,
          @Nullable Animatable animatable) {
        if (animatable instanceof AnimatedDrawable2) {
          AnimatedDrawable2 animatedDrawable = (AnimatedDrawable2) animatable;
          animatedDrawable.setAnimationBackend(new LoopCountModifyingBackend(animatedDrawable.getAnimationBackend(), 3));

You can also create a custom DrawableFactory that does this directly and then pass it when the image is rendered via PipelineDraweeController.

All 4 comments

Ideally, your GIF would be properly formatted and have the loop count set to N.

Otherwise, you can create a modifying backend, something like this:

public class LoopCountModifyingBackend extends AnimationBackendDelegate {

  private int mLoopCount;

  public LoopCountModifyingBackend(
      @Nullable AnimationBackend animationBackend,
      int loopCount) {
    mLoopCount = loopCount;

  public int getLoopCount() {
    return mLoopCount;

and then set it to your animated drawable:

final DraweeController controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder()
    .setControllerListener(new BaseControllerListener<ImageInfo>() {
      public void onFinalImageSet(
          String id,
          @Nullable ImageInfo imageInfo,
          @Nullable Animatable animatable) {
        if (animatable instanceof AnimatedDrawable2) {
          AnimatedDrawable2 animatedDrawable = (AnimatedDrawable2) animatable;
          animatedDrawable.setAnimationBackend(new LoopCountModifyingBackend(animatedDrawable.getAnimationBackend(), 3));

You can also create a custom DrawableFactory that does this directly and then pass it when the image is rendered via PipelineDraweeController.


now for fresco 2.0.0+ ,how to do this?

works very well!

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