Githawk: App Preview

Created on 18 Sep 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: GitHawkApp/GitHawk

Put together a rough app preview video to see if having a video impacts downloads at all. Very open to criticism on the video, and would love to discuss effectiveness of having one. All the ASO blogs I've read say you should definitely have one, but lots of "big" apps don't.

Any ideas?

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~Is it just me or is it flashing like a mad man?~ Seems to be good now

Using my face to growth hack any app is a great idea 🤔

I feel one benefit of the preview is simply the way Apple are handling it, they seem to be featuring those apps a bit more so may be one way to push the app further up recommendations etc

I think as a V1 the premise is there and works, some small improvements would be to maybe overlay a little bit of text with some bits of information?

"Markdown formatting"
"Search Repositories"
"React to Comments"

Great idea @Sherlouk! Also yes lol you've become the poster child for this app, hope you don't mind 😇

I might pull the video and add text, really think that'd pull it all together.

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Are we good to close this now? Initial preview has been created, further changes can be discussed in growth hacking issues?

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