Guard: lumberjack dependency causes Fixnum deprecation warning on Ruby 2.4.0

Created on 7 Jan 2017  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: guard/guard

/Users/bgentry/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/lumberjack-1.0.10/lib/lumberjack/log_entry.rb:11: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

Should be resolved in, which isn't merged yet

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@noraj1337 guard depends on lumberjack ~> 1.0 so you should be able to update it with bundle update lumberjack.

All 10 comments

cool, that PR is merged. Should be able to fix this deprecation warning with a new release of both gems.

Hi @bgentry. lumberjack (1.0.11) has been released.

This release version includes


I still have

/home/shark/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0/gems/lumberjack-1.0.10/lib/lumberjack/logger.rb:203: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated

@noraj1337 guard depends on lumberjack ~> 1.0 so you should be able to update it with bundle update lumberjack.

@rymai as you can see it was lumberjack-1.0.10 so > 1.0.

Update I just ran gem update lumberjack, and now have lumberjack-1.0.12 and no warning anymore. So I can confirm this:

  • lumberjack-1.0.10 --> warning
  • lumberjack-1.0.12 --> no warning

So it need lumberjack ~> 1.0.11 or lumberjack ~> 1.0.12 not lumberjack ~> 1.0.

I just tested in a new env:

$ gem install guard
Successfully installed pry-0.11.1
Fetching: lumberjack-1.0.12.gem (100%)

$ guard # no warning

$ gem uninstall lumberjack

$ gem install lumberjack --version 1.0.11

$guard # no warning

$ gem uninstall lumberjack

$ gem install lumberjack --version 1.0.10

$ guard # Warning now !!!

PR fix lumberjack version runtime dependency

@rymai seems you closed too soon :satisfied:

@noraj1337 lumberjack ~> 1.0 means that it accepts lumberjack from >= 1.0 to < 2.0, there's no need to update the dependency in the .gemspec to solve this problem, you can just update your Gemfile.lock. Or maybe you're not using Bundler, in that case you need to run gem update lumberjack as you've done above.

@rymai Yes I was wrong about < 1.1.

But >= 1.0 to < 2.0 includes 1.0.0 to 1.0.10 (that we want to exclude).

So we need >= 1.0.10 to < 2.0 as I understand.

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