Haml: Erubis deprecated in Rails 5.1

Created on 1 Feb 2017  ·  16Comments  ·  Source: haml/haml

Template rendering moved to Erubi in Rails master (see rails/rails#27757), this generated a depreciation notice in the HAML gem :

rake webpacker:DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Template::Handlers::Erubis is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 5.2. Switch to ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi instead. (called from require at /Users/renchap/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/haml-4.0.7/lib/haml/helpers/safe_erubis_template.rb:3)

Most helpful comment

Would it be possible to cut a release with this fix? We're hoping to do Rails 5.1 RC1 this week and would be lovely if people using both could avoid this. Thanks!

All 16 comments

@renchap Could you try master and check if it's fixed? Thanks!

Seems to work fine, no more warning ! 👍

Installing 5.1.0 beta now and getting this warning. What should I do to get rid of it?

  • should I install haml using the master from GitHub, or a fork of master?
  • is there a plan for a new gem release that is more in line with master? Rubygems is showing no gem release since 2014 - https://rubygems.org/gems/haml

Appreciate your help.

@ayb 5.0.0.beta.2 gem is out: https://rubygems.org/gems/haml/versions/5.0.0.beta.2
Please try bundling this gem.

Would it be possible to cut a release with this fix? We're hoping to do Rails 5.1 RC1 this week and would be lovely if people using both could avoid this. Thanks!

I'm sure! @amatsuda does that sound good to you?

Yes, I guess we need to investigate #908, then soon I'll push 5.0.0 stable :)

Would love to see this pushed soon, this is holding up my Rails 5.1 testing!

DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionView::Template::Handlers::Erubis is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 5.2. Switch to ActionView::Template::Handlers::ERB::Erubi instead

I have error in Rails 5.1.0 rc1 Is this supposed to be ? Don't know what to do

Write following code to Gemfile and execute bundle update.

gem 'haml', '5.0.0.beta.2'

gem 'haml', '5.0.0.beta.2' with or w/o gem 'haml-rails'


SyntaxError - syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_DEND, expecting ')'
attribute_compiler1 = ("page"}.merge(cache); case (_haml_att
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_DEND, expecting '}'
=> _haml_attribute_compiler1 }, nil)).to_s);; when true; _ha
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting keyword_end
ibute_compiler1 }, nil)).to_s);; when true; _hamlout.buffer 
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: syntax error, unexpected keyword_when, expecting ')'
< (" data-role".freeze);; when false, nil; else; _hamlout.bu
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: Can't assign to false
ta-role".freeze);; when false, nil; else; _hamlout.buffer <<
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: Can't assign to nil
le".freeze);; when false, nil; else; _hamlout.buffer << (" d
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting '='
le".freeze);; when false, nil; else; _hamlout.buffer << (" d
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting ')'
t.buffer << ("'".freeze);; end; _hamlout.buffer << (">\n<div
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:21: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting ')'
tribute_compiler2 = ("header"}.merge(backbtn); case (_haml_a
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:27: syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting ')'
Util.html_safe(_erbout);ensure;@haml_buffer = @haml_buffer.u
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:27: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting ')'
ffer.upper if @haml_buffer;end;
/Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml:30: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting ')'
  app/views/layouts/_full.haml:20:in `'
  actionview (5.1.0.rc1) lib/action_view/template.rb:307:in `compile'

Oh, that seems another bug.

@kul1 Could you paste /Users/kul/mindapp/a241510/app/views/layouts/_full.haml (with some modification)? Around line 20-30.


Here the Gemfile

And the code for _full.haml

!!! 5
    %meta(name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1")
    = stylesheet_link_tag "application"
    = javascript_include_tag "application"
    - if GMAP
      = javascript_include_tag "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"
    = render :partial => "mindapp/menu"
    %div{"data-id" => "main", "data-role" => "panel", "data-backbtn"=>"false"}
      - if @cache
        - cache = {}
      - else
        - cache = {"data-cache"=>"never"}
      - if @backbtn
        - backbtn= {"data-backbtn"=>"true"}
      - else
        - backbtn= {"data-backbtn"=>"false"}
      %div{{"data-role" => "page"}.merge(cache) }
        %div{{"data-role" => "header"}.merge(backbtn)}
          %h1= @title || DEFAULT_TITLE
        %div{"data-role" => "content"}
          = yield

      = render :partial => "mindapp/static"

All here in Github

Ah, it was open source. That's very helpful :)

Maybe we have a bug in compiler for following code:

I'll see that later... That might be fixed easily. Just a moment please.

@kul1 Fixed this issue on master, in https://github.com/haml/haml/commit/5688fcc2e04f5cb482ee93dc11726a58c8a5dedb. Thank you for reporting that.

To use master branch, you may need to write:

gem 'haml', git: 'https://github.com/haml/haml'

Worked now. Thanks

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