Hardhat-deploy: hardhat node broken with hardhat 2.0.9

Created on 11 Feb 2021  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: wighawag/hardhat-deploy

json "hardhat": "2.0.9", "hardhat-deploy": "0.7.0-beta.44",

I get the following error when running npx hardhat node :


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This was fixed yesterday on 2.0.10 :slightly_smiling_face:

All 6 comments

hmm, hardhat-deploy do not use merkle-patricia-tree by itself, it is a dependency of hardhat,
I suspect the issue is elsewhere
if you have more info, like a reproducible repo, I could look into it more

Sorry have no repo to share for this.

However, when I switch to hardhat version 2.0.8 it works fine again.

So something off about the mix of hardhat-deploy and hardhat 2.0.9 for the overriden hardhat node task (which attempts to deploy contracts automatically)

@alcuadrado @fvictorio any idea ?
The latest changes on the node task do not seem to be related to the issue here : https://github.com/nomiclabs/hardhat/commit/8976e20822179553fabcb53a66056390aac788f6#diff-9b5fcdc22247b95bdf98fbb03e7c3476d32df3dee3243af01773083d20befb5e

maybe it is an issue elsewhere ?

@gitpusha I suppose deploying the contract via hardhat deploy (without --network argument) work ?

Ok, as I guess, this is indeed unrelated to hardhat-deploy, see : https://github.com/nomiclabs/hardhat/issues/1237
@gitpusha try to use latest hardhat (2.0.10) or use a previous version of node as I assume you use node 14.

This was fixed yesterday on 2.0.10 :slightly_smiling_face:

@wighawag @fvictorio thanks for helping out!

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