Helm: Support for complex objects in sets

Created on 3 Mar 2017  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: helm/helm

In chat, I asked about the ability to define an object like this via --set and was sadly faced with the truth:

  - name: ROUTER
    value: cake
  - name: PASSWORD
    value: derp

I like to use stanza's like these in my values.yaml to define entire env variable needs for a particular container spec, so that in the spec I only need:

{{ toYaml .Values.env | indent 10 }}

There are plenty of reasons this is useful:

  1. I don't have to worry about passing empty variables to my app.
  2. Variables are all defined in a single location, so if a variable name were to change, I can quickly set and be on my way.
  3. I never have to worry about completely redeploying something like a deployment object just because I want to pass a few other variables to the main process.

Sadly, passing these types of objects isn't currently supported. Using if statements right in my templates in the best way to get around this for now, but it would be awesome to define large swabs of potentially dynamic information about my app right in values.yaml


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This is now possible using the following syntax:

helm install foo --set env[0].name="ROUTER",env[0].value="cake"

This is documented here.

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I actually just found another way to do this via observing kube-lego:

          {{- range $key, $value := .Values.config }}
            - name: "{{ $key }}"
              value: "{{ $value }}"
          {{- end }}

My issue is similar.
We want to use the Chart aws-cluster-autoscaler at:

We would like to pass the autoscalingGroups[].name via the command line, using --set, and the other info via a file params.yaml:

- minSize: 2
  maxSize: 8
awsRegion: eu-west-1

When we try setting the autoscaling group name with:

$ helm upgrade cluster-autoscaler stable/aws-cluster-autoscaler -f params.yaml --set "autoscalingGroups[].name"="nodes.k8s.test.eu-west-1.aws.redacted.net"

But that doesn't work.

Reading the documentation, this is known, but it would still be nice to be able to do this.

This is now possible using the following syntax:

helm install foo --set env[0].name="ROUTER",env[0].value="cake"

This is documented here.

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