Newpipe: UPnP / DLNA streaming on network receiver

Created on 25 Nov 2015  ·  23Comments  ·  Source: TeamNewPipe/NewPipe

Chromecast is a closed source device with closed API.

But UPnP / DLNA are open protocols and many smart TVs implement it natively. It would be great to implement UPnP / DLNA stream to network compatible devices.

You can get source code from YAACC (GPL v3) here

devicsoftware specific enhancement help wanted

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I agree DLNA would be a great addition. It would make possible to send videos to TVs with DLNA support, android TV boxes, etc. And it would help to spread this standard more, rather than the propietary chromecast

All 23 comments

Consider it added to the queue.
If you feel like you can implement this yourself, feel free to have a go.

Unfortunately i'm not an Android developer ... But i'm patient ;)

Fair enough :) I'll add it to the TODO list on the wiki.

I suggest the feature should be implemented on the Yaacc side:

Are you a Yaacc developer ?


Yaacc doesn't seem to be really active. And it's a bit outdated ...

I'm not even sure there are API that could be uses by NewPipe.

Perhaps including source code would be a better solution.

I know this is an old issue, but just in case anyone's interested, you can share a video from NewPipe to an application like BubbleUPNP or Allcast and it will work with the chromecast. But that's only if you're okay with installing proprietary apps..

(Those apps work with UPnP devices also)

I think if you use cromecast at the first place you also don't bother about using non free software. However I'd like to support upnp but I don't know how, and to be honest, I have other problems to care about first :/

Here is an open source library for Upnp/Dlna :

All right. I can't do it right now, but if someone wants to implement this for NewPipe I'll add it.

If I do a PR with Chromecast support, using and the use of the default media controller would this be OK? I would like to support the Chromecast Audio for youtube because the official does not do it.

If it's not OK i'll start working on my own client with similar support but I would rather like to do a collaboration.

Depends, is this library free software, or did we have to import binary blobs?

@theScrabi Let's implement this:

that went fast :P

I agree DLNA would be a great addition. It would make possible to send videos to TVs with DLNA support, android TV boxes, etc. And it would help to spread this standard more, rather than the propietary chromecast

@KeizerDev: Doesn't that depend on the proprietary Google Play Services?

I also agree that DLNA support would be great.

I think I've asked this question before, but is there a library for java that can send DLNA streams?

Here is an open-source library for DLNA on Android:

@korelstar: We know about that library, but it's kinda bloated and relatively hard to use. Besides that it only support UPnP/DLNA and we also want to support Cast (v2) and probably other protocols. So we're creating our own library: PipeCast. It can already discover UPnP MediaRenderers, but not play to it. Besides that Android TV support has higher priority for me, so I'll finish that first.

Maybe this could be useful

The yaacc developer has resumed his work!

@wb9688 PipeCast?

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