Kibana: Dashboard background schemes

Created on 6 Feb 2015  ·  206Comments  ·  Source: elastic/kibana

It would be nice if like kibana3, we will be able to build dashboards with 2 main background colors, for example dark and light. it means that all the visualizes in a specific dashboard will be on a same background.

The next enhancement will be able to choose the visualize background color with CSS palette.
So the each visualize in a dashboard could be with a different background color.

enhancement v4.2.0

Most helpful comment

For those of you looking for a temporary solution to a dark theme on Kibana 4, you can try what I did and it worked fine for now. I still prefer an actual dark theme but for now this works ok for me.

I used a Chrome extension called "Deluminate", which inverted the colors.

Here is how my Kibana 4 dashboard looks.

All 206 comments

We were just evaluating Kibana for use at our company. Everyone seemed to like it and we were right about to pull the trigger but didn't like the new bright color in Kibana4. Most of my group instantly lost interest. This sux. Please put back the dark theme.

I like the black theme too

Please bring back a dark theme. I just made a visualization and can't even read the x-axis. I am really loving all of the new features, but I do not want to unveil the update to our devs until it looks better and is readable.

I also prefer the dark theme. Missing so much kibana 3


This was the #1 complaint from users at our company after upgrading kibana 3 to 4.

Another complaint is the group of panel and the 12 col layout

+1 for bringing back a dark theme.

+1 for dark



Everyone is complaining that the light theme sucks. Has anyone fixed it?
The light theme sucks!!!

Is that available to change the color scheme of the panel ( bar, line, etc.) in kibana 4?
Besides, can we align the filter name like kibana 3?


@rashidkpc can you please consider adding this task to the 4.2.0 version?

+1 having more than 1 colour scheme available is useful for monitoring blue/green deployment environments side by side.








+1 The sooner the better. Reading my visualizations is pretty tough. Dark looks better anyways.

It would be nice to be able to style visualizations too so that related ones (from the same index, for example) could be highlighted.













Github really needs to add an option to opt-out of a specific thread, without unsubscribing to the whole repository... :anguished: :banana:

+1, and just to say that it is on the roadmap for 4.3.0 (latest release is 4.0.2).

I also noticed this article saying they have a black theme for Kibana 4:

We have brought the black theme back to Kibana 4, and speaking to Rashid at Elastic{ON}, it seems like the black theme will be making a comeback to all Kibana 4 users.





+1 for dark theme

+1 PLEASE!!!!!

For those of you looking for a temporary solution to a dark theme on Kibana 4, you can try what I did and it worked fine for now. I still prefer an actual dark theme but for now this works ok for me.

I used a Chrome extension called "Deluminate", which inverted the colors.

Here is how my Kibana 4 dashboard looks.

+1 for bringing back the dark theme

The white theme works very bad when using Kibana as passive monitor – a screen that people do not study continuously – looking at other things most of the time – but that still must be viewable all the time.
I such a situation the white light from the screen is disturbing. A guess it also consumes more energy.
So, please bring back the black theme!


+1, please, bring it back!!!








+1 Howzit @deegs :)


+1 for dark theme in kibana4


+1 for dark theme in Kibana4, please






+1 of course :-)












"Are we there yet?" :)



Ticket is 5 months old, I think is just ignored.
But I would like too the old theme back.


I've finally gotten to the point where I wanted to migrate from kibana3 to kibana4. Unfortunately no dark theme is a no go. Users refused to use it.


Kibana 4 is so much better than Kibana 3 except when it comes to looks. I much prefer the dark modern theme Kibana 3 uses.



+1 absolutely.










The most upvoted isssue.



@rashidkpc whether considering changing roadmap 4.3.0 into 4.2.0 of the issue or not because the feature is really important (my thinking)?

In other words, how big is the complexity of implementing the issue?






Right now it feels like a downgrade going from Kibana 3 to 4 - the default colours in Kibana 3 were way more readable.
Also the grid lines have disappeared - this was useful for the histograms and bar charts.
Please provide a way to have both features back, else Kibana 4 is going to be a hardsell to management,




+1 !! Please save my poor eyes from all this brightness!




+1 We haven't transferred our operations dashboard to Kibana4 because the current light theme is too bright for displaying on the TVs.




-1. because comment spam sucks.

really miss the dark theme as well, plus the ability to change colors of charts etc.


once you go dark ...

big +1!








how you even could think that going from black to right colors is good?
+1 for returning back to the dark side








i don't know what got into somebody but having _only_ a light theme in a tool like that is just bad. i'd even consider it a bug.

Have you guys seen #4702?

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 5:18 PM glaszig [email protected] wrote:

[image: :+1:]

i don't know what got into somebody but having _only_ a light theme in a
tool like that is just bad. i'd even consider it a bug.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub








Well done @BigFunger +147





















+1 ...











+1 for the dark theme in Kibana 4










This issue should be closed. The latest version of Kibana, 4.2 , supports dark theming.

So glad this is back for dashboards, but I would love to see an option to use the dark theme for the entire application (Discover, Visualize, etc).

@akatch, I fully agree!

+1 to dark theme for whole page.


In kibana 4.4 in advanced option i see dark theme. Excelent work team.

Is this actually out there? I see the advanced option but when I toggle it? Nothing.

If you toggle the option in advanced settings and navigate to your dashboard, there should be another 'settings' option in the top right. From there you can click "use dark theme" @jamescarr

oh okay. That's sneaky.

+1 to dark theme for all pages


Abandoning Kibana due to the lack of response to the many customer requests.

@kstube You do realize that this request has been fulfilled, right?

Our clients would love to have dark them for the whole Kibana interface, because it looks weird when you have dark theme in one place (dashboard) and go to Visualize (to build or adjust report which is often a case) and you go back to white theme.

TLDR: +1 for dark theme for whole Kibana


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