Knex: How to change nullable constraint in column inside a migration?

Created on 22 Feb 2016  ·  10Comments  ·  Source: knex/knex

I am trying to change a contraint on a column but this just appears to try to re-create the column and fails.

exports.up = function(knex, Promise) {  
  return knex.schema.table("images", function(table) {

exports.down = function(knex, Promise) {
  return knex.schema.table("images", function(table) {
PR please feature request schema

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For those of you coming here from google, the syntax is:

Converting an existing nonNullable column to be nullable (reverse the up/down if you want a nonNullable to be nullable).

exports.up = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', (table) => {

exports.down = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', table => {

All 10 comments

@Rush I really don't think .nullable() and .notNullable() are meant to be used for this. It seems to me you're wanting to run something like


And currently I can't find anything in the API aside from .raw that could handle this.

@rhys-vdw What's your take on this? Could .dropNotNull()/.setNotNull() or similar be a worthy addition to the schemaBuilder? It would be very similar to .dropForeign()'s implementation.

Could .dropNotNull()/.setNotNull() or similar be a worthy addition to the schemaBuilder?

Yes, but probably as .dropNullable(...columnNames) and .setNullable(...columnNames).

@rhys-vdw On second thought, I feel like this will be too much of an inconvenience for any dialect other than postgres. Personally I see no good solution to the following:

Postgres dropNullable: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN columnName DROP NOT NULL
Postgres setNullable: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN columnName SET NOT NULL

MSSQL dropNullable: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN columnName columnType NULL
MSSQL setNullable: ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN columnName columnType NOT NULL

MySQL/Maria/Oracle dropNullable: ALTER TABLE table MODIFY columnName columnType NULL;
MySQL/Maria/Oracle setNullable: ALTER TABLE table MODIFY columnName columnType NOT NULL;

Sqlite: No support?

It would result in inconsistent arguments based on the dialect you're running. Postgres only wanting name, while others want name + datatype (+ default value?).

What do you think, is it worth?

We used to support both SQLite and Postgres but SQLite is so different that no amount of abstraction can hide it ... so throwing an exception is probably the right thing in such cases. Rails' ActiveRecord migrations do support changing constraints so maybe that's the place to take inspiration?

This was possible to implement after all. I've made a PR.

+1 -- I've just come across this issue too, and it's something of a blocker. Any time you need to do a migration that maps representations for non-nullable columns you'll need this.

@morungos not really a blocker, since you can always drop to knex.raw for stuff which for knex doesn't have specialized APIs (lots of stuff when writing migrations).

If this pull request is finished this issue can also be closed

Yeah, I've used .raw a few times, but if it turns into entire statements, it begins to question the whole use of knee migrations. In the end, I did use a workaround: just default to some non-null weird value, then apply mapping rules to update the values, then drop the original. But it can get hard to do that if you're enforcing integrity, especially with MySQL and it's nasty habit of requiring integrity even during intermediate steps.

For those of you coming here from google, the syntax is:

Converting an existing nonNullable column to be nullable (reverse the up/down if you want a nonNullable to be nullable).

exports.up = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', (table) => {

exports.down = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', table => {

Just FYI, in case you're trying to change nullable to nonNullable you first need to fill that column with something, otherwise you'll get an error.

For those of you coming here from google, the syntax is:

Converting an existing nonNullable column to be nullable (reverse the up/down if you want a nonNullable to be nullable).

exports.up = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', (table) => {

exports.down = knex => {
  return knex.schema
    .alterTable('images', table => {
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