Kubernetes: Cannot select annotation key using jsonpath

Created on 2 Sep 2016  ·  2Comments  ·  Source: kubernetes/kubernetes

I love using kubectl ... -o jsonpath but I cannot figure out how to print an annotation that contains a special character like - or / or ..

This does not work:
kubectl get pods tmp -o 'jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.kubernetes.io/created-by}{"\n"}'
nor this:
kubectl get pods tmp -o 'jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.kubernetes\.io\/created\-by}{"\n"}'
nor this:
kubectl get pods tmp -o 'jsonpath={.metadata.annotations}{["kubernetes.io/created-by"]}{"\n"}'
nor this:
kubectl get pods tmp-1986694738-dhpx0 -o jsonpath="{\$['metadata']['annotations']['kubernetes.io/created-by']}"
(the last one should work according to what I can find about jsonPath, but doesn't, and anyhow is hard to get shell escaping right for.

Need a way to quote a

arekubectl kinbug prioritbacklog

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FYI, this is possible with go-template. We should still fix the jsonpath though.

kubectl get pods tmp -o go-template=$'{{index .metadata.annotations "kubernetes.io/created-by"}}\n'

Similar issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/23386

All 2 comments

A use case for this is extracting "created-by" or "init-container" annotations. I've wanted to do both in the last month and fought jsonpath.

FYI, this is possible with go-template. We should still fix the jsonpath though.

kubectl get pods tmp -o go-template=$'{{index .metadata.annotations "kubernetes.io/created-by"}}\n'

Similar issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/23386

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