Markup: Crossreferencing issues from other projects

Created on 21 Aug 2012  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: github/markup


i have a private project FOO and an open issue #23 for this project. I want to reference in a comment to the issue #23, for example this issue in it . AFAIK this isn't possible at the moment. It would be nice if my private issue #23 gets updated everytime something happens to the twitter-bootstrap-markup-rails issue #13. This would be an awesome feature.

Most helpful comment

-1 Already working as expected.

This is working as expected you can use the shortcut form as #154 to link to this projects issue number 154 and from external projects, even for the same user, it makes sense to elaborate: github/markup#154

Even if the machine could magically know that you mean twitter-bootstrap-rails issue # 13 please at least elaborate for me so that I may also follow.

I have a similar issue but relates to the absence of comments in github spice best addressed in a separate issue.

All 3 comments

-1 Already working as expected.

This is working as expected you can use the shortcut form as #154 to link to this projects issue number 154 and from external projects, even for the same user, it makes sense to elaborate: github/markup#154

Even if the machine could magically know that you mean twitter-bootstrap-rails issue # 13 please at least elaborate for me so that I may also follow.

I have a similar issue but relates to the absence of comments in github spice best addressed in a separate issue.

@nickl- Thanks for the explanation. I couldn't find this bit in the documentation. That is the exact behaviour i wanted.

All good =)

I assume you found the docs arguably you won't understand what exactly happens from reading the docs alone but requires some R&D and moving boxes around. The boxes are optional...

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