Language-tools: Feature list or Roadmap

Created on 16 Mar 2020  ·  6Comments  ·  Source: sveltejs/language-tools

Maybe we need that to work with the community.

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It would be great to have intellisense features:

  • Autocomplete (like in .js/.ts-files)
  • Go to definition (for components, variables, methods, also across svelte files)
  • Hover information (about components, variables, methods, also across svelte files)

@alexprey has done foundations work for this by creating, a parser for svelte files which outputs infos about them in a readable json format. @ArdenIvanov has built a language server / VSCode extension on top of it . Maybe we could integrate their works into this project.

All 6 comments

I don't have either yet, I'll have a think 👍 but I'm very open to ideas!

Right now I think it needs to be tested against some codebases, I updated all the deps and tests. Thinks are working, but some things are probably broken.

@orta how would one go about testing this against some codebase? I'm setting up a TS/Svelte monorepo and would be happy to try out a few different use-cases with this, but I don't know how to set up language servers. Do you have some links/info that can get me started in the right direction?

Good thinking @joelmukuthu - I've just shipped a PR which makes the docs a _lot_ more explicit about how to get up and running #10

It would be great to have intellisense features:

  • Autocomplete (like in .js/.ts-files)
  • Go to definition (for components, variables, methods, also across svelte files)
  • Hover information (about components, variables, methods, also across svelte files)

@alexprey has done foundations work for this by creating, a parser for svelte files which outputs infos about them in a readable json format. @ArdenIvanov has built a language server / VSCode extension on top of it . Maybe we could integrate their works into this project.

Yep, I'm open to migrating all of these sorts of features in - yep!

A feature list with what's done and what's not is now available at #83

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