Laravel-datatables: Search Error Incorrect parameters in the call to native function 'LOWER'

Created on 21 Dec 2016  ·  13Comments  ·  Source: yajra/laravel-datatables

Hi Everyone,
I use "yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle": "^6.3" and laravel 5.2.

Everyting ok with listing datatables but when I start searching I get the error

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1583 Incorrect parameters in the call to native function 'LOWER' ...

Here is my php code

public function index(Request $request){

         $items = DB::table('items as it')->select('it.*',' as category') 
                                             ->join('category as c', 'it.category_id', '=', '');
        $datatables = Datatables::of($items) 
                        ->addColumn('no', function ($items) { return ''; }));

        if ($keyword = $request->get('search')['value']) {
            $datatables->filterColumn('name', 'whereRaw', " like ? ", ["%$keyword%"]);
            $datatables->filterColumn('category', 'whereRaw', " like ? ", ["%$keyword%"]);
        return $datatables->make(true);

Here is my javascript

    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    iDisplayLength: 25,
    'responsive': true,
    'language' : {
      "sSearchPlaceholder": "Search..",
      "lengthMenu": "_MENU_",
      "search": "_INPUT_",
      "paginate": {
        "previous"  : '<i class="icon md-chevron-left"></i>',
        "next"      : '<i class="icon md-chevron-right"></i>'
    order: [[ 1, "asc" ]],
    ajax: {
      url  :  'items/index',
      type : "POST",
      data : function (d) {}
    columns: [
      { data: 'no', orderable: false, bSearchable: false },
      { data: 'name', name: 'name' },
      { data: 'category', name: 'category' },
    "fnRowCallback" : function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex){
        // For auto numbering at 'No' column
        var start =;
        $('td:eq(0)',nRow).html(start + iDisplayIndex + 1);

Please Help Me.

need feedback

Most helpful comment

@seven9 , I just got the same issue, but resolved it eventually. The fix was in my JS.
I made sure the column properties match the alias and the actual columns.

Using your example:
data: 'name', name: 'name'
data: 'category', name: 'category'

data-value : _alias_
name-value : _actual column_

data: 'name', name: ''
data: 'category', name: ''

All 13 comments

@seven9 have you tried updating to the latest stable version v6.22.5?

Hi @yajra ,

I already updated and tried it.That problem is happen when I use table alias like
DB::table('items as it') and join many talbes with laravel query builder.


@seven9 , I just got the same issue, but resolved it eventually. The fix was in my JS.
I made sure the column properties match the alias and the actual columns.

Using your example:
data: 'name', name: 'name'
data: 'category', name: 'category'

data-value : _alias_
name-value : _actual column_

data: 'name', name: ''
data: 'category', name: ''

Thanks @jedknyt and nice fix.

@jedknyt you've saved me a lot of time bro

@jedknyt thanks for sharing the solution. 👍


$sales = \DB::table('driver_ride_transactions as drt')
            ->join('bookings', '', '=', 'drt.booking_id')
            ->join('businesses', '', '=', 'bookings.business_id')
            ->leftJoin('users as driver_u', 'drt.user_id', '=', '')
            ->leftJoin('users as app_u', 'bookings.user_id', '=', '')
            ->select('', 'drt.status', 'driver_u.first_name as driver_name', 'app_u.first_name as app_user_name', ' as destination', 'drt.created_at');

Javascript Code

            processing: true,
            serverSide: true,
            order: [ [4, 'desc'] ],
            ajax: '{{ route('admin:fetch:ride:transactions') }}',
            columns: [
                {data: 'id', name: ''},
                {data: 'destination', name: 'destination'},
                {data: 'driver_name', name: 'driver_name'},
                {data: 'app_user_name', name: 'app_user_name'},
                {data: 'created_at', name: 'drt.created_at'},
                {data: 'status', name: 'drt.status'}

Everything works perfectly, but Still getting this error while searching _Search Error Incorrect parameters in the call to native function 'LOWER'_
screen shot 2017-11-24 at 12 51 06 pm

What am I missing? @yajra @jedknyt ?

@siddharthghedia since you are using join, I think you should include the table name too on each columns and avoid using the alias on name values. Use the actual column value.

columns: [
                {data: 'id', name: ''},
                {data: 'destination', name: 'drt.destination'},
                {data: 'driver_name', name: 'driver_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'app_user_name', name: 'app_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'created_at', name: 'drt.created_at'},
                {data: 'status', name: 'drt.status'}

@yajra Thank you so much for replying, I tried the same code which you wrote, but still gave me the same error and you asked not use alias on name right? But here driver_u and app_u are the aliases already. How could I solve it? Thank you in advance.

Hello @siddharthghedia , i have the same issue, do you have any solution.
Thank you in advance.

Me sirvió de mucho, resolví el problema... gracias por compartir la solución

@siddharthghedia since you are using join, I think you should include the table name too on each columns and avoid using the alias on name values. Use the actual column value.

columns: [
                {data: 'id', name: ''},
                {data: 'destination', name: 'drt.destination'},
                {data: 'driver_name', name: 'driver_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'app_user_name', name: 'app_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'created_at', name: 'drt.created_at'},
                {data: 'status', name: 'drt.status'}

IT works for me. Thank you so much

@siddharthghedia since you are using join, I think you should include the table name too on each columns and avoid using the alias on name values. Use the actual column value.

columns: [
                {data: 'id', name: ''},
                {data: 'destination', name: 'drt.destination'},
                {data: 'driver_name', name: 'driver_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'app_user_name', name: 'app_u.first_name'},
                {data: 'created_at', name: 'drt.created_at'},
                {data: 'status', name: 'drt.status'}

It works for me. Thanks you so much

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