Leaflet: panTo() does not center map at requested coordinate

Created on 19 Aug 2012  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: Leaflet/Leaflet

Let's try to center and zoom a map on the greenwich observatory ...

  • Go to a leaflet map (e.g. the one on http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/)
  • map.setZoom(0); map.panTo(0,0); (start at a known coord/zoom level)
  • map.panTo([51.4768, 0.0006]) to center map at greenwich observatory (in theory)
  • map.setZoom(16) to zoom in
  • Notice the map is nowhere near the observatory. In fact, we're ~10 miles north of it

This is confirmed by map.getCenter().toString() => LatLng(51.61802, 0)

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Sorry, for commenting here, but this seems like a very accurate description of what I'm seeing.

I've made this jsbin: https://jsbin.com/putezoyido/edit?js,console,output

When you click "Go to new location" we call

map.panTo([41.142937, -8.534538]);

however, moveend is triggered and if we check the map's center there we get


Is this something expected or a bug?

All 4 comments

Duplicate of #426. panTo works correctly, the problem is that it pans it on zoom 0 with rounding to pixels, and then you zoom by 16 zoom levels. So it's a rounding problem.

Sorry, for commenting here, but this seems like a very accurate description of what I'm seeing.

I've made this jsbin: https://jsbin.com/putezoyido/edit?js,console,output

When you click "Go to new location" we call

map.panTo([41.142937, -8.534538]);

however, moveend is triggered and if we check the map's center there we get


Is this something expected or a bug?

So what's the solution? :S I'm trying to pan but it pans me nowhere near the coordinates I'm giving it.. Been trying to find a solution for the last hour but none of them works. Why can't the panTo just work like it's supposed to?

Hi @chrillewoodz, great to hear that you find Leaflet useful!

Instead of commenting an old and closed ticket, and if you are _really_ sure that this is a bug in Leaflet, please open a new issue.

Please provide an effective bug report, and in particular all the information requested in the issue template (provided when you create a new issue), so that we can effectively investigate.

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