Lesspass: iOS App?

Created on 9 Aug 2017  ·  40Comments  ·  Source: lesspass/lesspass


Do you have a timeline for creating an iOS app?



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I bought a mac mini today, I start development on IOS next week


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I'm working on a React Native implementation.
When the new Android version will be online, we will probably create the iOS app

Great! Are you developing that publicly? Would love to see the progress / potentially get involved. This seems like a great project.

Yes I will update native sub repo when starting this

Hello, we are going to buy a mac and the Apple Developer Program subscription soon. Stay tuned

I bought a mac mini today, I start development on IOS next week


FWIW, I'd be happy to help test once it gets to that stage.

I have a question regarding the license of LessPass and itunes. Due to the anti tivoization clause in the GPLv3, is it illegal to distribute programs on iTunes?

Read: http://www.fsf.org/news/2010-05-app-store-compliance

I missed this thread last night when I ported the core lib into native iOS framework.
check https://github.com/RomainQuidet/LessPassCore
It might help for iOS integrations !

About the GPL issue, several open sources apps are in the AppStore. Did you check issues VLC had for example?

How Master Password handle this? And other under GPL apps?

@o-be-one there double license the code
I'm going to do the same: https://github.com/lesspass/entropy-ios/blob/master/LICENSE

Any progress on the iOS app?

Hello @failshell,
I don't have a lot of time for LessPass right now.
I'm working on new features, the new design and the iOS app.
I will update this issue when I will have some update.

Any updates?


I’ve created a native app based on my port of the algorithm in swift. I need some time to test it and release it. I’ll keep you informed of the evolution.


Le 16 août 2018 à 05:41, Fisher notifications@github.com a écrit :

Any updates?

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If the iOS application is important for you or your organization feel free to contribute directly for this on https://opencollective.com/lesspass

@RomainQuidet could you put your app at TestFlight than all can test it.

Hi @beli3ver public beta on TestFlight is not so easy, I need to pass Apple's review. For that I need to finish a v1 of my app.

Any news on that app?

Sorry no time yet to work on this project...

+1 would be amazing having an iOS app! Thanks in advance.

looking forward for ios app

That would be great to have an iOS app for lessPass

I implemented iOS native module for fingerprint and entropy functions
Looks like iOS app is working

If you are an iOS developper, feel free to test it
I will start doing some tests, and try to push the application to the app store

Could you put it on testflight, so I can test it for you?

Excellent idea, I will push this on testflight

When you done, could you give me the link?

Today I tried to publish LessPass app on the App Store. Apparently someone already publish the application before me. 😕 What should I do ?

Any help here?

Contact to Apple.
Maybe tell them who you are.
Do you have a link to the app?

Nope I can't find it.
I sent Apple an email, will see.
I will use "LessPass Password Manager"

Thank you, when will you release it to TestFlight, can not wait to test it

Beta team should validate the app, upload is done.
As soon as I have a link, I will share it here

edit: "Your build has been submitted to Beta App Review. It will need to be approved before you can begin external testing."

Can I join the beta team, please?

Beta App review team is a team at Apple, validating the app before we can publish an app on Testflight.
Send me an email at contact(at)lesspass.com and I will put you in the testers. Thank you

finally, cool @guillaumevincent

In order to be able to name the application LessPass, I was forced to create a new app (rename with a new version wasn't working on the US). I deleted "LessPass Password Manager" from the testflight program.

Review is being done for "LessPass", we will be on the app store probably tomorrow or on friday
I will close this issue soon

Thank you for your patience, support, help, money, etc 😍
The community pay for the 99$ apple developper program trough Open Collective (see Budget here)

Thanks for your work

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