Libelektra: Release: debian

Created on 26 Nov 2019  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: ElektraInitiative/libelektra

@markus2330 for the debian related release tasks: am I right here that you usually skipt this step? I dont see any commit for unreleased versions.


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In the branch "debian" there should be plenty of tags for the released versions. For the unreleased versions there are only commits, no tags.

You're right. Seems like I overlooked something here.

A general note: maybe I overlooked something but not everything works in order of the document doc/todo/RELEASE. The correct/working steps are different than the order in the doc. Maybe we should update it a bit (after the release, low priority).

Yes, quite often I changed doc/todo/RELEASE while I was doing the release. Then after the release I pushed the changes to the file.

The ownership of this file is now yours, so feel free to adapt it how you need it.

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