Libvips: [Bug report with solution] error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL

Created on 30 Jul 2020  ·  4Comments  ·  Source: libvips/libvips

When I try to compile the libvips from the source code, I've encountered the following error:
parallel-tests: installing './test-driver'
libvips/ error: HAVE_INTROSPECTION does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
./configure: line 3659: syntax error near unexpected token 1.30.0' ./configure: line 3659:GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK(1.30.0)'

I've gotten a solution from the following link:

The solution is:
clone and look for the m4/ directory, where the instrospection.m4 file is. Copy that file to vte-ng/m4 directory and tun the again.


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Yes, you need to have gobject-introspection installed to be able to run The official tarball releases include a pre-built configure.

All 4 comments

Hello @huskier,

Thanks for the report. I tried here with git master libvips:

tar xf ../vips-8.10.0.tar.gz 
cd vips-8.10.0/
CFLAGS="-g -Wall" CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall" ./configure --prefix=/home/john/vips
make install

And it seems to work fine. How did you trigger this error? Did you perhaps run rather than configure?

@jcupitt Yes, the bug is triggered when I run rather than configure.

Actually, there is no "condigure" file in the gitcloned package, and only is available.

Yes, you need to have gobject-introspection installed to be able to run The official tarball releases include a pre-built configure.

Thanks for your explanation.

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