Gorm: Issue with Find() and First()

Created on 22 Nov 2014  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: go-gorm/gorm

I'm not sure if this problem is with your code or documentation.
I also assume you designed GORM based on Ruby On Rails or PHP-Laravel which is why I believe there is a mistake.


I don't expect you to agree with all of my suggestions because your trying to make Find() and First() accomplish what 4 commands in Laravel: All(), First(), Find(), Get().

But the downside is that your method ALWAYS returns slice even if it is more convenient to get One Struct (without slice) when you WANT and EXPECT one result.

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Hello @pjebs

Although I stole the ideas from ActiveRecord, it doesn't works exactly like it, but works like below:

db.First(&User{})   // first user, sort by primary key
db.First(&[]User{}) // find the first user, and put it into the array

db.Find(&User{})   // first user
db.Find(&[]User{}) // find all users

// find records with conditions
db.First(&User{}, 123)
db.First(&User{}, "name = ?", "hello")
db.Find(&User{}, "name = ?", "hello")
db.Where("name = ?", "hello").First(&User{})
db.Where("name = ?", "hello").Find(&User{})

All 3 comments

type Customer struct {
Id uint32 gorm:"column:id; primary_key:yes"
Access_token string gorm:"column:access_token"

func (c Customer) TableName() string {
return "customers"

func MyMiddleware(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// u := []Customer{}
u := &Customer{}

db, _ := gorm.Open("mysql", "root:@/main")
// db.First(&u, 5)
// db.First(&u)
// db.Find(&u, 5)


This is the problem:

This should return the first result back from the collection of all results being returned. (whether there are extra WHERE parameters or not).
It should parse the ONE result into &Customer{} and NOT have an array with one result in there.

Currently it does not work when &u is not a reference to a slice. &u should point to &Customer{} and not &[]Customer{}.

This function should also NEVER accept an extra parameter for the primary key. That is what the FIND function is for.

When Find command is given a primary key, it should not return a slice. It should also ALWAYS expect a primary key value.

If you want all values, then use "ALL" COMMAND. db.ALL(&u) where &u=[]Customer{}


This should be included in your library. That would return all values.

db.All(&u), where &u=[]Customer{}

This should be included in your library. This would return an ARRAY of all values including after you put WHERE constraints on.

Hello @pjebs

Although I stole the ideas from ActiveRecord, it doesn't works exactly like it, but works like below:

db.First(&User{})   // first user, sort by primary key
db.First(&[]User{}) // find the first user, and put it into the array

db.Find(&User{})   // first user
db.Find(&[]User{}) // find all users

// find records with conditions
db.First(&User{}, 123)
db.First(&User{}, "name = ?", "hello")
db.Find(&User{}, "name = ?", "hello")
db.Where("name = ?", "hello").First(&User{})
db.Where("name = ?", "hello").Find(&User{})
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